We can guarantee healthcare for all if we give every American the freedom to choose between keeping their private insurance - if they have any - and a universally available public healthcare option like Medicare.
President Obama campaigned on a healthcare plan that included a public option, but for-profit insurance companies and HMO's are already working hard to strip it from any upcoming healthcare bill. They don't want Americans to have a choice and they will stop at nothing to kill real reform.
Today, we draw a line in the sand.
A public option is the only way to guarantee healthcare for all Americans and its inclusion is non-negotiable. Any legislation without the choice of a public option is only insurance reform and not the healthcare reform America needs.
This is just the start. We need your help to generate broad based support for a public option. We will need to canvass our neighborhoods, call our elected leaders, and arrange meetings with members of Congress in the coming months.
We need 250,000 signatures by the time this bill is introduced in Congress. As a start, can you help me get to 10,000 by the end of the day today?
Working together, we will get healthcare for all Americans. Thank you for everything you do to make it happen.
My bounce-back, they don't want to hear anyone's opinion but their own, "TrueMajority Scam" response is:
Uhh...even the simplest of people can see the illogic here. Medicare is going bankrupt. How do we fix that? By adding more people to it? Errr... Ya, makes perfect fiscal sense. Sort of like going into debt $10 TRILLION dollars.
Here's another fallacy that I can point out for your scheme: if Americans are given a choice to stay on their "private" health care plan or go to Medicare, which do you think most will choose?
Let me put it this way: you have a choice to keep paying money out of pocket monthly for healthcare insurance (my wife and I pay about $300) or keeping that $300 and going on a nationalized tax-payer paid plan.
Hmmm...wonder which will make us more happy.
Now think of this from an employer's standpoint: health insurance is a BONUS, not a REQUIREMENT for employers. Why bother offering it if most employees are just going to go with the government plan anyway? Further, how long before the private insurance companies go out of business because the government has taken over?
This plan is so completely moronic, I can't believe you're hoping that 250,000 other morons will be willing to sign a petition to get it put in place.
Are you people even awake? Time to put down the peace pipe and the prescription dope and actually THINK about what you're pushing here. If you want national socialism so bad, why don't you move north into Canada? Or push for your beloved Kalifornia (Kommunist Republik of) seceed to Canada so you can participate in their nationalized socialist healthcare? Why drag the rest of us into it?
I live in Wyoming and have zero interest in your Kalifornia policies of socialism on a national scale. Bankrupt CA all you want, but leave me out of it. My state doesn't have a state income tax, doesn't have high property or sales taxes, and has a budget surplus every year. Our Senators debate whether we should ACCEPT federal money, not whether we should BEG FOR IT.
TrueMajority my ass, you're just a bunch of Kalifornia Socialists wanting to force the rest of us to pay for your feel good bullshit. You can keep it, you idiots.