Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Stay off FOX

Dear MoveOn member,

All year, FOX has worked 24/7 to block President Obama's agenda—repeating lies about "death panels," promoting Tea Party protests, and whipping up fake political scandals.

Now, President Obama is fighting back. The White House communications director said FOX is a "wing of the Republican Party...let's not pretend they're a news network." To draw attention to its biased coverage, President Obama will not appear on FOX for the rest of this year.

It's about time Democrats stood up to FOX! Can you sign this petition asking Democrats to support President Obama's stance by staying off FOX as long as he does?

My response to MoveOn, the DNC apology group:

Hello, MoveOn-WeDon'tWantYourKindHere leadership. I received your latest beg-a-thon/action missive and thought I'd send you a response. I'm doing so through my blog, since your love of "democracy" means you don't accept direct email responses to your diatr email calls to action.

I agree with you. FOX is the Republican News Network in disguise. However, if you're going to make that claim and call that a reason to "do something," then I'm going to point out the obvious:

ABC, MSNBC, and for the most part CNN are Obama-apologists like yourself. Therefore, since you love partisanship, I'm going to ask all Republicans to boycott the Obama News Networks while you're busy boycotting the Republican News Network.

This way, we can just boycott all mainstream networks and let them continue their descent into oblivion where they belong.

Hopefully, they'll take their outdated, useless, Hegelian Dialectic two-party political paradigm with them. You can go too, MoveOn. Wouldn't want you to feel left out or anything.

I have long since stopped giving money to the false paradigm Marxists who call themselves Democrats and Republicans. I no longer give money to the National Republican Apologists (NRA), the Appropriate Causes and Leftists United (ACLU), or any of these other propagandist groups.

Instead, I put money into groups that really matter. Like the GnAS (Guns n Ammo Show), the OK (Oath Keepers), etc.

Let him who hath understanding reckon the number of the Beast.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Peace and our President

Just nine months after taking office, President Barack Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize.1

The Nominating Committee praised our President "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," especially his work on nuclear disarmament.2 And while we remain mired in two wars right now, many of us share the Committee's hope and expectation that Obama will end these conflicts, and lead our country and the world towards a more peaceful future.

Let's congratulate President Obama today and remind him that while there's more to be done, we'll be with him all the way as he continues to work for peace.

My "I have a real job, so this is a few days late" response:

Uhh... this is blatantly Obama worshiping and factually incorrect on so many levels, it's pathetic.

First, the deadline for the nominations was in mid-February, at which time Obama had been in office for only a couple of weeks or so. At that point, he had done absolutely nothing towards "nuclear disarmament" or even peace. In face, he'd made statements already wherein he was backpedaling from his campaign stance of "withdrawal, withdrawal, and peace" with respect to our two wars in the Middle East.

Next, he has made overtures to the Islamic community and most of the nations of the Middle East while simultaneously beating the war drum against Iran.

Most glaringly of all, even if we accept that he's getting this award for non-political reasons and merely because he somehow deserves it, he has failed to address the most obvious nuclear threats on the planet: North Korea and Israel.

Both nations have nuclear weapons and neither is part of the UN treaty for non-proliferation. Both are loudly warlike and one of which actively makes war on its neighbors daily. So far, absolutely nothing from Obama on those two nations.

The Nobel Peace Prize became a laughing stock when it was presented to Al Gore and was on shaky ground before that when it was given to Jimmy Carter. Now it has become an obvious political tool for grandiose statements towards political figures and has little to do with real accomplishment or even "peace."

No matter how you slice it, Obama doesn't deserve this award.

So sing your accolades to your favorite El Presidente, but it's just more happy horseshit. Obama is not a savior, nor is he an accomplished world leader. He's just your guy who got lucky and made it into the Big House. Just like the guy before him, the guy before him, and the guy before him on down the line.

America hasn't had real political leadership in over a century. Our politicians, including your precious Barack, are corrupt sellouts who are sending us all up the river. Yet you sing their praises and continue to solicit funds on their behalf.