Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Say "Thanks" to Nanci Pelosi Like the Insurance Co's Did

Dear MoveOn member,

With all the excitement around the passage of health care, you might have missed this: a big story in The New York Times showing how the bold leadership of progressives in Congress, led by Speaker Nancy Pelosi, is a key reason health care reform is a reality today.1

After the Massachusetts election, the article says, Democrats were in disarray. White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel was pushing a plan to severely scale back reform.

But led by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, progressives stood up to fight.2 When MoveOn members looked to Democrats to "fight, not fold," Pelosi was right there with us.

Speaker Pelosi's leadership was critical—and with the recent right-wing health care backlash, it's important that progressives show we've got her back. Can you add your name to our thank you card to Speaker Pelosi today? Click the link below to sign the card:


I wasn't going to include the link above, but after writing this, I decided to leave it in so you can go and sign a "FU VERY MUCH" card like I did.

So here's the deal. Supposedly, according to these Progressive Democrat money laundering groups like MoveOn, Nancy is now a hero for winning us health care reform.

I'm not even going to talk about the health care reform bill other than to say it doesn't reform anything except how you get robbed to pay for health care. What I am going to talk about is lobbying and political donations.

You see, Nancy Pelosi received more money from health insurance lobbyists than any other politician last year. It was the third-largest contribution bloc to her campaign coffers, in fact. They also donated to the tune of $3.4 million in the last election cycle to the DCCC (California's Democrapic Campaign Committee).

During the health care debate, Nancy held a little invitational dinner at her husband's $25 million dollar winery to which only those who had donated the maximum-allowable $30,400 to her beloved DCCC were invited. You know, common folk who just happen to have 30 large hanging around.

You know what amazes the hell out of me? I got all this information from a website that you would think would be head over heels in love with Nancy Pelosi and the other socialists in Washington: The World Socialist Website. HA!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Deeply disturbing

The following is a letter from MoveOn. What I find deeply disturbing here is not the actions of the (supposed) Tea Party members who did these things, but that these MoveOn popularists and other jackasses refuse to see what all of this really means. It means Americans are fucking pissed off and we're not going to play their stupid games anymore. The rules have been tossed out by the jackboots in Washington, so why should we, fighting for our rights, not do the same?

Socialist groups like MoveOn are about to find out what it means to be in the minority when attempting to oppress the majority. Boots will stamp down and toes will be bloodied.

From MoveOn (there's nothing to see here)

Dear MoveOn member,

Last weekend, anti-health care protesters were out in force in Washington—and some of their behavior was deeply disturbing.

A crowd of tea partiers shouted the "n word" at Congressman John Lewis, a former civil rights leader who marched with Dr. King. They yelled homophobic epithets at Rep. Barney Frank, an openly gay congressman. And one protester actually spat on a Black member of Congress.1

Then this week, Democrats who voted for reform began receiving death threats—one had a coffin left on his lawn and another was told snipers would kill the children of lawmakers who voted yes.2 Several Democrats had their district offices vandalized, and a gas line was cut at a home that tea partiers mistakenly believed belonged to Rep. Tom Perriello.3

A few Republicans have spoken out against the racism and violence, but most are still treating them as "isolated incidents."4 They are not isolated. They've been part of Republican-supported tea parties for almost a year and they're a natural consequence of telling people that reform is a totalitarian plot.5

It's an outrage, and no American should tolerate it. So we're joining with our friends at Color of Change to stand up to the hate. Can you add your name to this letter asking Republican leaders to unequivocally condemn bigotry, hate, and violence among their supporters?
[MoveOn and other partisan groups fail to realize that the Republicans have about as much to do with the Tea Party movement as our foreign aid budget has to do with feeding starving Africans. They look related, but they aren't.]

The letter asks the leaders of the Republican party to do two simple things:

1. Unequivocally condemn bigotry and hate among your supporters, and make clear that those who embrace it have no place in your party and that you reject their support.
2. Make clear that you will not tolerate fear-mongering and coded appeals to racism from officials in the Republican Party, at any level.

Instead of calming the tea partiers' anger, Republican members of Congress have stoked it. NBC reported that on Saturday, Reps. Mike Pence, Tom Price, and Michele Bachmann all addressed the tea partiers and that Bachmann stirred them "into a tizzy."6 Protesters from that rally then fanned out across Capitol Hill and were behind the assaults on Reps. Lewis, Frank, and Cleaver.7

[These people spoke before the Tea Party, as did Sarah Palin, not because they are part of it, but because they are attempting to take it over for their own ends. Fuck 'em.]

Yesterday, Rep. John Boehner called the violence and threats "unacceptable."8 But just last week, he referred to fellow representative Steve Driehaus as "a dead man" if he voted for health care reform.9 And while Boehner's office insisted his remark wasn't meant to be taken literally, as Rep. Driehaus pointed out, "It doesn't really matter the way you meant it, nor the way I accept it. It's how the least sane person in my district accepts it."10

[Oh boy, here we go. Always aiming for the lowest common denominator in all things, the fools in Washington can't be helped...]

And there's more: During the debate on the floor of the House on Sunday, Rep. Randy Neugebauer shouted "baby-killer" at Rep. Bart Stupak.11 And after the vote, Sarah Palin told supporters "Don't Retreat—Reload," and then highlighted specific members of Congress she thinks are politically vulnerable using gun cross-hairs.12

[And? Oh, wait, I forgot. Progressives hate guns because, well, they hate the freedom they represent.]

The Tea Party movement has been marked by racially inflammatory and violent outbursts since its inception a year ago. And while most Republicans are probably disgusted by this behavior, the Republican Party and its leaders have repeatedly tolerated it at events they support.13 But the hateful rhetoric and the tacit acceptance of "isolated incidents" of violence have gotten way out of hand.

[Nevermind that a good number of those Tea Partiers are of races other than white. This doesn't work well with the Michael Moore paradigm of "it's all white people who hate us." I've met a lot of racists and none are more so than those who claim to be working for "civil rights."]

Monday, March 22, 2010

You win Aaron

After months of pushing, prodding, emailing and activism, last night the House finally passed health care reform.1

The fight for reform has been a long one. And at times, the pundits and prognosticators declared that we had already lost.2 But you never gave up. And you never lost hope. And today, thanks to your resolve and the votes of 219 members of the House, America is FINALLY getting the health care system we deserve.

My TRUEmajority response to "TrueMajority" the corporatist SOBs

Oh yes, you're getting what you deserve all right. First, the AP admitted that protesters in Washington were 3:1 against your precious Pelosicare (non)reform. Wow.. sounds like a majority to me, TrueMinority.

But here's what's really going to happen now that you New York/Los Angeles jackbooted socialists have finally gotten your way: you're going to be annexed.

Yep. 2010 won't be remembered as the year that Nanci Pelosi and crew passed "historic health care reform." Instead, it will be remembered as the year that Nanci Pelosi and Barack Obama signed the single most controversial act in the history of the nation into law and... fomented the Second Civil War.

I hope your offices are on one of the coasts so you can be part of the new United Socialist States of America because, I've got news for you: the rest of U.S. are about to boot your asses out.

Bye bye. Don't hope for your over-stretched military spread out across Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the rest of the world to help you either. Most of their bases are here in our territory.

Have fun in your new, bankrupt nation of city-states. Feel free to come up with real money when you want to buy our goods, since your new lands don't produce anything anyway, now that you've ruined California's farm lands and destroyed the manufacturing ability of the Northeast.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wow! Health Care from MoveOn

Dear MoveOn member,

Wow! Since Monday, MoveOn members have pledged over $1 million to support progressive primary challengers to House Democrats who vote against health care reform. That's incredible.

But with the final vote just days away, the House is still short a handful of votes.

So we're setting an ambitious new goal to keep the momentum building: $2 million in pledges by Friday. That's a serious sum for any challenger, and will make conservative Democrats think twice before casting a vote.

My Move On Please Response to MoveOn

Wow, that's impressive. You got a bunch of progressive idiots to pledge $1 million towards promising candidates that they'll get a windfall of cash if they vote for health care reform. Obviously, bribery might work. It's worked in Washington since the beginning, after all. So even bribing legislators to vote for something that will, ultimately, lead to civil war is possible of you can promise enough cash.

Here's something interesting that those legislators should think about: pledges are not money, they are promises to pay money.

Since progressives love their credit cards, this money being promised is nothing more than more promises to pay, just like they promised their VISA they would pay their personal debt, China that we will pay our national debt, and their moms that they would pay her Social Security. In the end, they will probably default.

It's helpful to note that most progressives are located in blue states like California. You know, the states going bankrupt because of their progressive policies and over spending? Oh, and in California instead of paying out tax refunds - money OWED to taxpayers - they sent out IOUs instead. Official California State pledges to pay you back.. eventually.

Keep that in mind when you view these pledges they're offering you as bribes to vote for what will, without a doubt, mark your last day in office and the likely reason you'll need to become a Mexican or Canadian national to avoid reprisals.

Americans are tired of the left coast running our show and we're tired of you people in D.C. thinking that you can take all the bribe money you want from various special interests while you sell us up the river.

So, if you want to keep some kind of life for yourself and avoid political ruin, indignities like having to grab a suitcase and sneak out of your house in the middle of the night to take the late plane to somewhere not-America, then here's my advice:

Tell Nanci Pelosi and her California dimwits that they can do all the universal healthcare they want.. IN CALIFORNIA. The rest of us are tired of their antics and aren't putting up with them any longer. We don't need Massachussetts on a national scale. Many of us will refuse to participate in a national scheme for health care and several states have made it clear they will opt themselves out - even if it means secession.

Think about that before you vote. It's worth a lot more than those promises to pay the progressives are hyping at you.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Insurance CEOs under arrest, Congress next

To the Members of TrueMajority,

The Department of Homeland Security has received a copy of the following missive from your organization and subsequent inquiries have authenticated this email as coming from your headquarters cave in Pakistan via the Al Qaeda network in Afghanistan, New York City, etc.

Pursuant to the directives given DHS in our Congressional mandate, we hereby declare your organization to be a terrorist group engaged in treasonous and anti-American behavior. See also the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and the Missouri IAC report (MIAC), all of which define what is a terrorist and insurrectionist in today's modern United States of America.

Your missive, which is quoted below, clearly shows your anti-government leanings and that you are engage in terroristic propaganda.

Yesterday we sent health insurance industry a message they will not forget.

Thousands of protesters marched through downtown Washington, D.C., to arrest the CEOs of Big Insurance, and demand that Congress finish reform right.1 In addition, we faxed over 3,000 wanted posters made by TrueMajority members like you to the insurance CEOs' offices -- tying up phone lines and creating chaos for their lobbyists.

It was big news, and Congress is taking notice. This morning leaders of the House of Representatives committed to making progress on a final bill NEXT WEEK,2 and President Obama is touring the country to build support too.3

But getting the debate restarted and putting the insurance companies on notice is only the first step. Yesterday thousands of people marched in D.C. To win, we need Congress to follow through. And that's going to take more pressure from more of us.

This type of un-American behavior must be squelched in its infancy. Thus, this letter will be delivered via a joint task force of Department of the Treasury, Secret Service, and Federal Bureau of Investigation SWAT agents.

Yours in Love of Country,

Janet Napolitano
Chief Director, Department of Homeland Security
Washington, D.C.