Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Last call...and we don't mean drinks

I just got this email and wanted you to see that they said it themselves. No need for me to elaborate.

Dear Aaron,

If someone gave you one last swing at the plate, one more shot at the goal, one more Hail Mary pass, wouldn't you take it?

On January 3, a new Congress will be seated that includes extremist Tea Party Republicans like Rand Paul whose primary goal is to cut the benefits to millions of Americans hurting in this economy, while handing out massive tax cuts to the wealthy.

Ya, read that again. I've highlighted the pertinent bit, where they basically admit to their own agenda's results:

On January 3, a new Congress will be seated that includes extremist Tea Party Republicans like Rand Paul whose primary goal is to cut the benefits to millions of Americans hurting in this economy, while handing out massive tax cuts to the wealthy.

That's right, folks. They just admitted that the welfare queen benefits they want to keep are what's hurting America's economy. At least the socialists are honest about this one. Even though it's just a typo.