Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Obama's birth certificate

Dear MoveOn member,

Why is CNN promoting right-wing paranoid conspiracy theories about President Obama's birth certificate?

The fringe ideas of the so-called "birthers" have been thoroughly debunked.1 But CNN host Lou Dobbs perpetuates these myths by constantly talking about them on his shows and asserting that Obama still needs to "produce a birth certificate."

This is not responsible journalism. Our friends at Media Matters have launched a campaign calling on CNN to address its Lou Dobbs problem—but a lot of us are going to have to speak out in order to get CNN's attention.

My MoveOn Response, since they always tell me to "move on, we don't want your kind here" anyway:

Umm... So now it's OK in your little "Democracy" to trample free speech? Ya, nice Democracy.

Not that it matters. I found Obama's birth certificate and it looks pretty legit to me:

Friday, July 24, 2009

Dear Aaron,

Health industry lobbyists and conservatives in Congress keep saying we need to slow down health care reform, even though we KNOW that over 200,000 people loose coverage, go bankrupt or die every month we delay.1 And now, that multi-million dollar lobbying is succeeding in slowing things down.2

Our best chance for real reform is to keep Congress focused on a simple message - Reform is essential, must cover everyone, and must make healthcare cheaper.

My True(non)Majority Response to the True(bs)Majority:

Ya, let's hurry this through to make sure it happens because we know if anyone has any time to analyze it, they'll realize it's all a fucking scam.

Your little health insurance SCAM is going to FORCE me to buy health insurance that I don't want because what I do have is NOT "good enough" for Obama.

By the way, you convince your asshole Senators to agree that they too will be subject to this insurance and will drop their current (massive) coverage (paid by our dollars) in favor of this and maybe I'll care.

But since the Senators just recently said that they DO NOT WANT this health insurance option for themselves and their families...

Fuck you very much.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Serious as a heart attack about ending the F-22

Dear Aaron,

These Reps took $1.3 million in campaign cash then voted for the F-22!

John Murtha
Call them out by putting this tough new ad on the air.

President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates "are as serious as a heart attack" about ending the F-22.1 But some members of Congress have pledged to keep buying this needless warplane no matter who opposes it or how much it costs.2

So as Congress continues to defy the President, Secretary of Defense and common sense, you might be asking yourself: "why do we keep building these planes?"

Our new report has the answer - the same members of Congress responsible for buying the F-22 and other military hardware took over $1.3 million in campaign donations from the weapons builders last year.3

We need to get the truth out FAST about the web of connections between Congress and the weapons builders - so we've created a tough new radio ad to target the Representatives most tempted to trade weapons contracts for campaign cash.

My TrueMajority answer to the fake TrueMajority that needs to change it's name to TrueObama Socialists instead:

I've already told you why the F-22 is a good idea and why we need it. Now, I think I'll point out something that should be blatantly obvious, but that you won't bother mentioning because it'll make you look bad:

Every Goddamned Congresscritter that voted for Cap and Trade about a week ago received TWICE the donations from groups interested in getting that passed as those who voted against. That amounts to a total of several hundred thousand dollars!

Now, with Obamacare, we can see who's been paid and who hasn't and it makes the payoffs for the military industrial complex look cheap!

Why don't you mention that, you hypocrites? Right, because you support the socialistic programs and could care less whether we're protected by a strong military or not.

So FU, TrueMasocialists!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Congress needs to hear from you on health care

Dear MoveOn member,

Are you a medical professional, or involved in a small business? If so, your voice is needed in the health care debate right away.

Right now, the heart of Obama's plan is under attack from big insurance companies and conservative lobbyists1,2.

But the few insiders getting rich off of the current system don't speak for all Americans, so we're putting together two special open letters—one from medical professionals and one from small businesspeople—on the importance of passing real reform, including a strong public health insurance option.

If you're a medical professional or involved in a small business, we need your voice today.

My MoveOn response to MoveOn that they don't want to hear:

I am a small business owner and my wife is in the medical field. Guess what? Neither of us like Obamacare. So we're calling our Congresscritters and writing letters and filling out petitions (not yours) to tell Congress NOT TO SUPPORT OBAMA'S SOCIALIZED MEDICINE PLAN.

You can call it whatever you want, but that's what it is. So we don't support it.

Go find someone else to support your socialism. Better yet, if you love socialistic medicine, move to frikkin Canada and get it and leave me alone. I don't want to pay for your Commie dreams.

Friday, July 10, 2009

Only four show up for health care rally (Obamacare)

MoveOn put on a rally in Tupelo and only four people (count 'em 4) showed up. Wow. Guess it's time for MoveOn to just move on. Eh?

Read the article here.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Swipe this card to wipe out Pentagon debt

Dear Aaron,

This card has convinced relatives and neighbors - now it can convince Congress!
F-22 card

Astound and amaze your Senator - Tilt the card one way, you see where our money goes (one useless jet); tilt it the other way, you see where it could be going (fixing dozens of schools).

Sign now to send a card to your Senators and ask them to end the F-22!

Want your own F-22 card? Order them from our store!

Ending production of the F-22 fighter jet should be common sense. The plane's a Cold War relic built to win dogfights with the Soviet Union.1 But despite never having flown in combat, we've already bought 187 F-22s at a cost of more than $351 million each.2

These planes don't make us any safer, but companies like Boeing and Lockheed make a fortune building them. And so far those same corporations have spent enough on lobbyists and campaign donations to scare Congress into keeping the weapons contracts alive, even in this recession.3

President Obama is FINALLY standing up to the weapons builders and calling for an end to the F-22.4 So far, Congress has been too scared to follow suit - but we've just learned that there will be an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that could end the F-22 program for good.

Dear MoveOn, who doesn't want to hear anything I say because I'm not a socialist Obamabot:

What you're missing are two crucial things:
1) The F-22 is not a standalone fighter plane, but is part of an overall fighting system. Taking this away would be like building Patriot missile systems and forgetting the rocket fuel to launch the Patriots.

2) I note that you give a crap about a couple of billion in the Pentagon, but you could care less about the TRILLIONS Obama is wasting on pork spending and crony payoffs (through Cap and Trade, "stimulus," and now Healthcare).

You people are morons. The Chinese, the Russians, the Israelis, and most other major powers in the world already have aircraft that are better than what we field right now. The F-22 is joined with the F-35 as part of an overall air system.

Not that you care. You don't want us to be defended. That's why you hate gun ownership too.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

A note from Al Franken

Dear MoveOn member,


Al Franken was just officially declared the next U.S. senator from Minnesota! And he sent a personal note to MoveOn members in the wake of his victory (see below).

Will you join me in sending Senator-elect Franken the biggest, happiest congratulations card ever? As he heads to Washington to fight for progressive change, let's make sure he knows we've got his back.

My response to the MoveOn socialist scumbags who otherwise won't read my response:

Woopty doo, Al Franken got "elected." Look, people, Al Franken is a lying, cheating, thieving scumbag. So he'll fit in just fine with the other a-holes in Washington.

Why are we celebrating sending another piece of garbage to Washington? Do you live in Minnesota and you're just happy to be getting rid of him or something?

Screw Frankin and screw you too, MoveOn. You people are just part of the problem and your celebration of a worthless even like Al Franken getting the win in an off-season, off-timing election proves that. I'm sure if he'd have lost, you'd have made a lot of noise and cried fowl and lamented over how the "democracy" has "failed."

I don't know why I bother. I'll just let you have your victory. Woe unto you when everything falls apart, though, and you try to come to my house to confiscate what I've got in your attempt to pay your unsecured debt (aka "socialism").