Dear Aaron,
This card has convinced relatives and neighbors - now it can convince Congress!
F-22 card
Astound and amaze your Senator - Tilt the card one way, you see where our money goes (one useless jet); tilt it the other way, you see where it could be going (fixing dozens of schools).
Sign now to send a card to your Senators and ask them to end the F-22!
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Ending production of the F-22 fighter jet should be common sense. The plane's a Cold War relic built to win dogfights with the Soviet Union.1 But despite never having flown in combat, we've already bought 187 F-22s at a cost of more than $351 million each.2
These planes don't make us any safer, but companies like Boeing and Lockheed make a fortune building them. And so far those same corporations have spent enough on lobbyists and campaign donations to scare Congress into keeping the weapons contracts alive, even in this recession.3
President Obama is FINALLY standing up to the weapons builders and calling for an end to the F-22.4 So far, Congress has been too scared to follow suit - but we've just learned that there will be an amendment to the Defense Authorization bill that could end the F-22 program for good.
Dear MoveOn, who doesn't want to hear anything I say because I'm not a socialist Obamabot:What you're missing are two crucial things:
1) The F-22 is not a standalone fighter plane, but is part of an overall fighting system. Taking this away would be like building Patriot missile systems and forgetting the rocket fuel to launch the Patriots.
2) I note that you give a crap about a couple of billion in the Pentagon, but you could care less about the TRILLIONS Obama is wasting on pork spending and crony payoffs (through Cap and Trade, "stimulus," and now Healthcare).
You people are morons. The Chinese, the Russians, the Israelis, and most other major powers in the world already have aircraft that are better than what we field right now. The F-22 is joined with the F-35 as part of an overall air system.
Not that you care. You don't want us to be defended. That's why you hate gun ownership too.