Last week we leveled with you - Healthcare reform could be in trouble because a small group of conservative critics were attacking public forums (and civil discourse). Now, you've probably seen media reports that these hecklers are getting their way as President Obama and others back away from the public option.1
But the media is wrong, and so are the hecklers. The public option is alive and well with the support of a super-majority of Americans.2 Not only that, powerful members of the House have stepped up to defend the public option and to smack down the crazy critics who equate insurance reform with Socialism and death panels.3,4
My True Majority response to TrueMajority:
Small group? Small? You call rallies where the opposition to Obama's so-called reform double or triple the number of bussed-in, paid supporters "small?" Gee. I wasn't a genius in the classroom or anything, but I did learn vocabulary and math. The only place the opposition is "small" is in Obama's staged events where only his supporters are allowed in the room and on camera.
As for this "super-majority" of Americans... What does that mean? Where are they? How come they aren't outnumbering the "small" opposition?
Sorry, TrueMajority, but you're propaganda is too thick to even clear your own ranks here. It's blatantly a LIE.
Wake up. Nobody wants these phony reforms and insurance company drafted "changes."
Nobody wants your bullshit "public option" and we're not falling for your total lack of understanding of the word "reform."
Nothing gets REFORMED with these plans. It just gets BIGGER.
Where's the proposals to FIX the current problems first? Before we ad more to them, that is?
Ya, that's what I thought. That might require, like, brains and thinking and economic understanding. None of which you, Obama, or most of Congress has. You only understand power grabbing and government-enhancing.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
An Unlikely Trio
This one isn't from the usual suspects (MoveOn/TrueMajority), but it's interesting nonetheless.
Dear Aaron,
There's a lot of heated discussion right now in America over big issues. That's democracy. But it's also important to work together where we can find common ground, to achieve a common goal.
President Obama has asked our General Chairman Newt Gingrich to work with him on an issue where we've found common ground - education reform. We believe the President has shown courage on an issue Americans care deeply about, and that is charter schools. He deserves a helping hand, because fixing education for our children should not be a partisan issue.
So on behalf of American Solutions, Newt will be joining Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Reverend Al Sharpton on a multi-city tour focused on reforming America's schools.
For behind the scenes tour updates, and to see the solutions Newt will be proposing, click here.
Our tour will include school visits, stakeholder meetings and media briefings, and we hope to regularly update you on what we learn, what solutions we propose, and how you can get involved.
This tour is about our children and their future. It is about the future of America. If we want to remain the safest, freest and most prosperous nation in the world, our children and grandchildren must have access to schools where they can learn to their fullest potential. Our schools must be accountable for results and be focused solely on learning and achievement.
To learn about some of the solutions we believe are necessary, and to stay updated on our education reform tour, don't forget to sign up here
Dan Varroney
Senior Vice-President & COO
American Solutions
My response that they'll never read:
Umm...Newt Gingrich and Al Sharpton are gonna fix our schools? Lord help us!
I have an idea: close down the federal Department of (non)Education. That should do wonders. Would be a good start, anyway.
Newt and Al, saving the world for the children. Oi... what's next? Hillary and Palin saving us from the evil Republican-Democrat regime of tyranny?
Dear Aaron,
There's a lot of heated discussion right now in America over big issues. That's democracy. But it's also important to work together where we can find common ground, to achieve a common goal.
President Obama has asked our General Chairman Newt Gingrich to work with him on an issue where we've found common ground - education reform. We believe the President has shown courage on an issue Americans care deeply about, and that is charter schools. He deserves a helping hand, because fixing education for our children should not be a partisan issue.
So on behalf of American Solutions, Newt will be joining Education Secretary Arne Duncan and Reverend Al Sharpton on a multi-city tour focused on reforming America's schools.
Our tour will include school visits, stakeholder meetings and media briefings, and we hope to regularly update you on what we learn, what solutions we propose, and how you can get involved.
This tour is about our children and their future. It is about the future of America. If we want to remain the safest, freest and most prosperous nation in the world, our children and grandchildren must have access to schools where they can learn to their fullest potential. Our schools must be accountable for results and be focused solely on learning and achievement.
Dan Varroney
Senior Vice-President & COO
American Solutions
My response that they'll never read:
Umm...Newt Gingrich and Al Sharpton are gonna fix our schools? Lord help us!
I have an idea: close down the federal Department of (non)Education. That should do wonders. Would be a good start, anyway.
Newt and Al, saving the world for the children. Oi... what's next? Hillary and Palin saving us from the evil Republican-Democrat regime of tyranny?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Under Attack from and the AFL-CIO
This week in the wake of our August Recess Call to Action, FreedomWorks has been the target of a vicious campaign by the likes of, ACORN, the AFL-CIO, and the Democrat National Committee (DNC) to discredit our organization and slander our membership.
Help us fight back!
As a FreedomWorks member, I think you have a right to know what these groups are saying about you.
While it’s only the first week of the month-long August Congressional Recess, hard-working FreedomWorks volunteers have already been attending town halls and listening sessions to rightly voice their opposition to big government reform proposals such as the cap and trade energy tax and President Obama’s hostile takeover of America’s health care system. The recess action kits that we have provided include talking points on these issues so that activists can be well-informed. They also include tough questions for legislators to answer to provide clarity as to their positions on these important issues.
We feel that it is fair for a lawmaker to hear their constituents’ concerns and frustration over the incredible over-reaches of government power we see in both ObamaCare and the cap and trade energy tax proposals, and to demand answers on where they stand. But the Left has seen fit to characterize our actions as “disruptive” and “disgusting,” even calling us “thugs” and “un-American.”
They are even perpetrating outright lies to the media by accusing FreedomWorks of encouraging our members to be unruly and shout-down Members of Congress, not allowing them to speak. This is of course, not true. FreedomWorks prides itself on making sure you, as members, are well informed on the issues, ask tough questions, and get answers to them. We always encourage volunteers to be respectful, but resolute in communicating their positions on important issues.
These liberal Leftist groups are manufacturing such lies because it gives them a target and they have organized an all-out attack on FreedomWorks’ Washington, D.C. headquarters.
Our offices have literally been hammered over the last week by an organized patch-through phone call campaign by, the Unions, and others that have hit us with phone calls comparing FreedomWorks staff and members to Nazis and issuing profanity-laced verbal assaults including one racist rant leveled at an African American member of our staff. Liberal pundit Rachel Maddow even “declared war” on FreedomWorks’ website, essentially encouraging cyber-attacks by liberal hackers.
These dirty tactics by the Left have forced us to beef-up security at our offices and for our website, and even contact the FBI to report some of the more threatening calls that we have received.
As you know, FreedomWorks does not encourage this kind of underhanded activity. We believe that at their core, our arguments centered on fundamental free market principles stand on their own, which is why we don’t resort to intimidation and lies as the Left so often does.
Nevertheless, the Left is playing dirty and turning up the heat day by day. recently announced that they are building a war chest in an effort to crush us and that in one day they raised over $250,000.
If we are to have a fighting chance against this liberal juggernaut, I need your help today.
Please help us to fight back by taking part in FreedomWorks August Recess Call to Action; attend a town hall meeting this month; and chip in $25, $50, or whatever you can afford to help us continue fighting against Obama’s big government agenda despite the all-out assault that and others have launched:
Help us fight back!
While it is a daunting task to go up against Obama and the Left’s well-funded political machine, the good news is they wouldn’t be attacking us if we weren’t being effective. Your emails, phone calls, and face-to-face interaction with legislators and their staff is making a difference and that is why is raising money specifically to go after us.
Now is the time to kick our campaigns against government-run health care and the ominous cap and trade energy tax into high gear. If we don’t fight back hard and build up the necessary resources for these campaigns, I fear that the Left’s machine will stifle many of our proposed activities and events, and could even threaten the September 12 March on Washington, DC.
Don’t let and others on the Left win! Don’t allow them to slander and dismiss what FreedomWorks and you are working so hard on. Help us by sending your generous contribution today!
Yours in Freedom,
Dick Armey
Help us fight back!
As a FreedomWorks member, I think you have a right to know what these groups are saying about you.
While it’s only the first week of the month-long August Congressional Recess, hard-working FreedomWorks volunteers have already been attending town halls and listening sessions to rightly voice their opposition to big government reform proposals such as the cap and trade energy tax and President Obama’s hostile takeover of America’s health care system. The recess action kits that we have provided include talking points on these issues so that activists can be well-informed. They also include tough questions for legislators to answer to provide clarity as to their positions on these important issues.
We feel that it is fair for a lawmaker to hear their constituents’ concerns and frustration over the incredible over-reaches of government power we see in both ObamaCare and the cap and trade energy tax proposals, and to demand answers on where they stand. But the Left has seen fit to characterize our actions as “disruptive” and “disgusting,” even calling us “thugs” and “un-American.”
They are even perpetrating outright lies to the media by accusing FreedomWorks of encouraging our members to be unruly and shout-down Members of Congress, not allowing them to speak. This is of course, not true. FreedomWorks prides itself on making sure you, as members, are well informed on the issues, ask tough questions, and get answers to them. We always encourage volunteers to be respectful, but resolute in communicating their positions on important issues.
These liberal Leftist groups are manufacturing such lies because it gives them a target and they have organized an all-out attack on FreedomWorks’ Washington, D.C. headquarters.
Our offices have literally been hammered over the last week by an organized patch-through phone call campaign by, the Unions, and others that have hit us with phone calls comparing FreedomWorks staff and members to Nazis and issuing profanity-laced verbal assaults including one racist rant leveled at an African American member of our staff. Liberal pundit Rachel Maddow even “declared war” on FreedomWorks’ website, essentially encouraging cyber-attacks by liberal hackers.
These dirty tactics by the Left have forced us to beef-up security at our offices and for our website, and even contact the FBI to report some of the more threatening calls that we have received.
As you know, FreedomWorks does not encourage this kind of underhanded activity. We believe that at their core, our arguments centered on fundamental free market principles stand on their own, which is why we don’t resort to intimidation and lies as the Left so often does.
Nevertheless, the Left is playing dirty and turning up the heat day by day. recently announced that they are building a war chest in an effort to crush us and that in one day they raised over $250,000.
If we are to have a fighting chance against this liberal juggernaut, I need your help today.
Please help us to fight back by taking part in FreedomWorks August Recess Call to Action; attend a town hall meeting this month; and chip in $25, $50, or whatever you can afford to help us continue fighting against Obama’s big government agenda despite the all-out assault that and others have launched:
Help us fight back!
While it is a daunting task to go up against Obama and the Left’s well-funded political machine, the good news is they wouldn’t be attacking us if we weren’t being effective. Your emails, phone calls, and face-to-face interaction with legislators and their staff is making a difference and that is why is raising money specifically to go after us.
Now is the time to kick our campaigns against government-run health care and the ominous cap and trade energy tax into high gear. If we don’t fight back hard and build up the necessary resources for these campaigns, I fear that the Left’s machine will stifle many of our proposed activities and events, and could even threaten the September 12 March on Washington, DC.
Don’t let and others on the Left win! Don’t allow them to slander and dismiss what FreedomWorks and you are working so hard on. Help us by sending your generous contribution today!
Yours in Freedom,
Dick Armey
Saturday, August 8, 2009
This is getting ugly
Dear MoveOn member,
It's getting ugly out there.
All across the country, right-wing extremists are disrupting congressional town-hall meetings with venomous attacks on President Obama's plans for health care and clean energy.
* Last night in Tampa, Florida, a town hall meeting erupted into violence, with the police being called to break up fist fights and shoving matches.1
* A Texas Democrat was shouted down by right-wing hecklers, many of whom admitted they didn't even live in his district.2
* One North Carolina representative announced he wouldn't be holding any town-hall meetings after his office began receiving death threats.3
* And in Maryland, protesters hung a Democratic congressman in effigy to oppose health-care reform.4
We've got a plan to fight back against these radical right-wingers. We've hired skilled grassroots organizers who are working with thousands of local volunteers to show Congress that ordinary Americans continue to support President Obama's agenda for change. And we're building new online tools to track events across the country and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one.
But we need to scale up our efforts quickly to make sure this plan works. To really swing into action during this month's congressional recess, we need to raise at least $250,000 immediately. Can you chip in $25 to support our work?
My Response to MoveOn and Their $250,000 Continual Begging:
How come every time you beg for money, there's always a magic "$250,000" needed? I've been getting your emails for over a year. You haven't raised that yet? Geez. Maybe it's time to consider that your "democracy" has spoken and doesn't like you. Ron Paul raised more than that in a couple of hours...
Anyway, let's have a look at the "viscious" and "organized" attacks happening with this healthcare debate. I don't use the word "reform" because Obama's plan doesn't "reform" anything except adding to the insurance co's pocketbooks (see Business Week for details) and lawyers (see Washington Times - wait, isn't Obama a lawyer?).
Now, let's look at those so-called attacks by the righties against the obviously publicly-minded lefties at these Town Hall meetings:
That's some rather disturbing video of some union members attacking a guy handing out Gadsen flags and calling him racial names. Wait! The union guys are LEFTIES in support of public health care and the black guy is a RIGHTIE handing out protest flags! Woops!!!
Wait, here's more:
OHHHH!! Hold on, those are people getting let into a meeting and bypassing the protesters outside who don't favor healthcare "reform." Oops! I forgot, though, the lefties are all about "democracy" aren't they?
Here's the news report (you'll hate it, it's from Fox):
Hold on, here's more violence. This woman is hitting a man over health care. Wait a second, though... she's not AGAINST reform...she's for it! AIEEE!
It's getting ugly out there.
All across the country, right-wing extremists are disrupting congressional town-hall meetings with venomous attacks on President Obama's plans for health care and clean energy.
* Last night in Tampa, Florida, a town hall meeting erupted into violence, with the police being called to break up fist fights and shoving matches.1
* A Texas Democrat was shouted down by right-wing hecklers, many of whom admitted they didn't even live in his district.2
* One North Carolina representative announced he wouldn't be holding any town-hall meetings after his office began receiving death threats.3
* And in Maryland, protesters hung a Democratic congressman in effigy to oppose health-care reform.4
We've got a plan to fight back against these radical right-wingers. We've hired skilled grassroots organizers who are working with thousands of local volunteers to show Congress that ordinary Americans continue to support President Obama's agenda for change. And we're building new online tools to track events across the country and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one.
But we need to scale up our efforts quickly to make sure this plan works. To really swing into action during this month's congressional recess, we need to raise at least $250,000 immediately. Can you chip in $25 to support our work?
My Response to MoveOn and Their $250,000 Continual Begging:
How come every time you beg for money, there's always a magic "$250,000" needed? I've been getting your emails for over a year. You haven't raised that yet? Geez. Maybe it's time to consider that your "democracy" has spoken and doesn't like you. Ron Paul raised more than that in a couple of hours...
Anyway, let's have a look at the "viscious" and "organized" attacks happening with this healthcare debate. I don't use the word "reform" because Obama's plan doesn't "reform" anything except adding to the insurance co's pocketbooks (see Business Week for details) and lawyers (see Washington Times - wait, isn't Obama a lawyer?).
Now, let's look at those so-called attacks by the righties against the obviously publicly-minded lefties at these Town Hall meetings:
That's some rather disturbing video of some union members attacking a guy handing out Gadsen flags and calling him racial names. Wait! The union guys are LEFTIES in support of public health care and the black guy is a RIGHTIE handing out protest flags! Woops!!!
Wait, here's more:
OHHHH!! Hold on, those are people getting let into a meeting and bypassing the protesters outside who don't favor healthcare "reform." Oops! I forgot, though, the lefties are all about "democracy" aren't they?
Here's the news report (you'll hate it, it's from Fox):

Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I've decided that, besides posting the letters I get from TrueMajority and MoveOn here, I'm also going to start forwarding them to and reporting them as "fishy."
Obama says he wants us to send everything we see as questionable to that address. So I'm on it.
Obama says he wants us to send everything we see as questionable to that address. So I'm on it.
Monday, August 3, 2009
The truth about healthcare reform
Dear Aaron,
There's been a lot of talk about healthcare this week. President Obama's touring the country,1 Republicans are spreading misinformation on the cable networks2 and Congressional leaders keep announcing major breakthroughs, but never holding a vote.3
With all the sound and fury, does ANYONE know what's really going on? We think one man might.
Dr. Howard Dean has been a physician, a governor, a presidential candidate and the head of the Democratic National Committee. If there is one guy in America who knows what's wrong with our healthcare system and can make sense of the current debate, it's him.
My TrueMajority answer to FakeMajority:
Umm... OK, you just said "truth" and Howard Dean in the same sentence. That's a pretty serious credibility #FAIL.
That's all I've got to say about that.
There's been a lot of talk about healthcare this week. President Obama's touring the country,1 Republicans are spreading misinformation on the cable networks2 and Congressional leaders keep announcing major breakthroughs, but never holding a vote.3
With all the sound and fury, does ANYONE know what's really going on? We think one man might.
Dr. Howard Dean has been a physician, a governor, a presidential candidate and the head of the Democratic National Committee. If there is one guy in America who knows what's wrong with our healthcare system and can make sense of the current debate, it's him.
My TrueMajority answer to FakeMajority:
Umm... OK, you just said "truth" and Howard Dean in the same sentence. That's a pretty serious credibility #FAIL.
That's all I've got to say about that.
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