It's getting ugly out there.
All across the country, right-wing extremists are disrupting congressional town-hall meetings with venomous attacks on President Obama's plans for health care and clean energy.
* Last night in Tampa, Florida, a town hall meeting erupted into violence, with the police being called to break up fist fights and shoving matches.1
* A Texas Democrat was shouted down by right-wing hecklers, many of whom admitted they didn't even live in his district.2
* One North Carolina representative announced he wouldn't be holding any town-hall meetings after his office began receiving death threats.3
* And in Maryland, protesters hung a Democratic congressman in effigy to oppose health-care reform.4
We've got a plan to fight back against these radical right-wingers. We've hired skilled grassroots organizers who are working with thousands of local volunteers to show Congress that ordinary Americans continue to support President Obama's agenda for change. And we're building new online tools to track events across the country and make sure MoveOn members turn out at each one.
But we need to scale up our efforts quickly to make sure this plan works. To really swing into action during this month's congressional recess, we need to raise at least $250,000 immediately. Can you chip in $25 to support our work?
My Response to MoveOn and Their $250,000 Continual Begging:
How come every time you beg for money, there's always a magic "$250,000" needed? I've been getting your emails for over a year. You haven't raised that yet? Geez. Maybe it's time to consider that your "democracy" has spoken and doesn't like you. Ron Paul raised more than that in a couple of hours...
Anyway, let's have a look at the "viscious" and "organized" attacks happening with this healthcare debate. I don't use the word "reform" because Obama's plan doesn't "reform" anything except adding to the insurance co's pocketbooks (see Business Week for details) and lawyers (see Washington Times - wait, isn't Obama a lawyer?).
Now, let's look at those so-called attacks by the righties against the obviously publicly-minded lefties at these Town Hall meetings:
That's some rather disturbing video of some union members attacking a guy handing out Gadsen flags and calling him racial names. Wait! The union guys are LEFTIES in support of public health care and the black guy is a RIGHTIE handing out protest flags! Woops!!!
Wait, here's more:
OHHHH!! Hold on, those are people getting let into a meeting and bypassing the protesters outside who don't favor healthcare "reform." Oops! I forgot, though, the lefties are all about "democracy" aren't they?
Here's the news report (you'll hate it, it's from Fox):

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