Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Agree with Obama?

Dear MoveOn member,

President Obama recently proposed that for the first time in history the Environmental Protection Agency will enforce global warming pollution limits under the Clean Air Act. The biggest polluters like coal plants and refineries would finally have to do something to cut down their pollution.1

But Big Oil and Coal are standing in the way because they don't want to do anything to clean up.2

The EPA is accepting public comments on Obama's plan for just a few more days. They read these comments very closely to determine if there's enough public support to go ahead. And we can be sure the right wing is sending lots of comments opposing the plan.

Dear MoveOnTheresNothingToSeeHere Blinder-Wearing Morons:
Just because they're doing something you think they should do, since you love Socialism and dream of the day when the utiopian One World Government runs the planet so that Elitists like you don't have to beg plebes like me for money, doesn't mean that the EPA gives a rats ass about the environment.

World's biggest polluter...

Look it up, morons. All of your little happy sources will agree with that statement. So why do you think the government will somehow fix this?

I'll tell you why: because you are either brain damaged beyond repair or you don't care about the environment either, you just want more government control.

So keep pretending there's a "right wing" and a "left wing" and that those of us on the streets really believe in all that. Then act surprised when the lynch mobs show up to your office ready for a little Tree of Liberty watering.


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