Monday, June 29, 2009

MoveOn Doesn't Like Cap-n-Trade

Dear MoveOn member,

The U.S. House passed a huge energy bill Friday. Lots of good people are applauding the passage of this legislation. But here's the ugly truth:

Big Oil and Coal lobbyists, working in cahoots with some conservative Blue Dog Democrats, weakened the bill terribly—it now falls far short of President Obama's campaign vision to transition America's economy to clean energy and create millions of new jobs.

In fact, the bill repeals a key part of the Clean Air Act and doesn't do nearly enough to shift America to renewable energy—so instead of a boom in solar and wind, the bill locks us into dirty coal power for another generation.1

Working with progressive champions in the House, we were able to achieve modest gains at the eleventh hour (see details below). But saving the Clean Air Act and fixing other problems with the bill as the fight moves to the Senate will require a massive grassroots outcry.

So we have a decision to make: Should MoveOn launch a full-court press to fix the bill, and turn up the heat on senators who might be tempted to side with Big Oil and Coal?

I was almost happy until I read the second paragraph. Once again, your true roots show through, MoveOn:

Sure enough, the big, fat, corporate welfare check that is Cap and Trade will accomplish a couple of key things: it will screw us out of more jobs by raising taxes on business and, more importantly, it will make Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi richer.

What? How's that?

Al Gore (mostly) owns the largest of the "carbon offset" trade schemes on Wall Street. Many of his buddies from Wall Street are on Obama's staff in the White House. Coincidence?

Nancy Pelosi will get money from GE and other energy companies for whom her friends and family are on the boards or work for too.

Not to mention the EPA suppressed contrary evidence and findings in order to make "global warming" a fact that Obama and Waxman could point to as evidence. Convenient how the story on that didn't break until AFTER the bill was passed.

Oh, and don't bother looking to Europe. You know, the socialists you all love to point to as a model and example of how the U.S. should be? Ya, those guys. They're all looking at dumping their Cap-n-Trade laws and going back to the way it was because their laws have done NOTHING to help and only gotten in the way--while increasing unemployment.


Of course, I only pay 58% of my income in taxes right now. That leaves 42% of my income free and that might be too much for you socialists to see fit to let me keep. Better enact some more confiscation schemes.

Go get a real job, MoveOn, and quit begging for donations so you can keep sitting in your offices spewing out these moronic emails as if you gave a crap about what real Americans actually want.

If you love socialism so much and think it's so great, move to China. Leave my money alone, you thieves!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Rocking the lawn for healthcare

Dear Aaron,

Keep it up!

Healthcare reform hangs in the balance. Donate $35 to get us there!

If you were in Washington DC yesterday, you couldn't have missed the call for healthcare reform. Working with our state affiliates from the USAction family, we packed the lawn outside the US capitol to overflowing.1

As the crowd roared and Senators and Representatives took the stage to pledge their support for the reforms you are demanding, Matt and I were awed at the size, scope and diversity of the movement for quality, affordable healthcare. And the message from President Obama and our allies was clear - keep it up.2

The first details the healthcare reform bill are being written as we speak, and we'll see the results of those negotiations in just a few weeks. We need to keep the pressure on, and we need your help. Chip in $35 right now to help us see this fight through and deliver healthcare reform we can be proud of.

My TrueMajority(NOT) Response to TrueMajoriscam:

Uhh... OK, I know exactly the kind of healthcare system that I want. Here goes:

One that has ZERO, ZILCH, NADA, ABSOLUTELY NO government intervention in it.
One that has FULL FUCKING FREEDOM for the doctors, patients, and all involved.
One that doesn't involve any bureaucrat deciding what I can and can't have.

Above all, I want one that isn't under constraint by do-gooder morons in government and can do, say, and be what it wants so that I have true choice, full disclosure, and the ability to have the entire, unabashed truth given to me.

You know, like education was before government got involved.

Ya, like that.

If your group isn't about giving me THAT kind of healthcare, you can piss off. I know you're not into that kind of freedom of choice and personal empowerment, since you're a bunch of commie socialists, so feel free to just piss off right now. Today. This minute. Off the nearest cliff and onto a high voltage power line, preferably.


Tuesday, June 23, 2009

It's 2:30 a.m. – do you know where $2 billion is?

Dear Aaron,

Stop these wasteful warplanes!

They've never flown in combat, can't fight the Taliban, and the Secretary of Defense doesn't want them - but you're about to be charged $2 billion for these planes.
Call congress now and tell them to stop building planes we don't need, and the Pentagon doesn't want!

Unless we stop it, Congress could vote as soon as TOMORROW to spend more than $2 billion of your money on a fighter jet that even the Pentagon doesn't want. President Obama called for an end to 'weapons as usual' contracting at the Pentagon - including ending production of the F-22 fighter jet. But in a 2:30 a.m. vote, the weapons contractors were able to get enough Republican and Blue-Dog Democrat votes to slip it back in.1

Congressman Barney Frank is leading the fight for Obama's Pentagon budget, but the showdown is now and he doesn't have the votes yet. Call your member of Congress right now and tell him or her to cut these wasteful warplanes.

My response to the morons at

Uhh...hello?! A whopping two people at the Pentagon, both Obama appointees, don't like the F-22 program. All the rest of them strongly favor a new fighter program to replace the aging F-16.

That aside, why are you so worried about this tiny $2 billion when you could be worrying about the $1 billion being wasted on Cash for Clunkers, the $1-3 trillion being wasted on bailouts, and the hundreds of billions being wasted on all of Obama's other worthless programs?

Oh, wait, I know why. It's because Obama=God and you can't question His divine thinking.

Sorry, didn't mean to blaspheme.

Friday, June 19, 2009

The Obamacare horror story you won't hear

by Michelle Malkin,

The White House, Democrats and MoveOn liberals are spreading healthcare sob stories to sell a government takeover. But there's one healthcare policy nightmare you won't hear the Obamas hyping. It's a tale of poor minority patient-dumping in Chicago -- with first lady Michelle Obama's fingerprints all over it.

Both Republican Sen. Charles Grassley of Iowa and Democratic Rep. Bobby Rush of Illinois have raised red flags about the outsourcing program run by the University of Chicago Medical Center. The hospital has nonprofit status and receives lucrative tax breaks in exchange for providing charity care.

Yet, in fiscal year 2007, when Mrs. Obama was employed there, it spent a measly $10 million on charity care for the poor -- 1.3 percent of its total hospital expenses, according to an analysis performed for The Washington Post by the nonpartisan Center for Tax and Budget Accountability. The figure is below the 2.1 percent average for nonprofit hospitals in surrounding Cook County.

Rep. Rush called for a House investigation last week in response to months of patient-dumping complaints, noting: "Congress has a duty to expend its power to mitigate and prevent this despicable practice from continuing in centers that receive federal funds."

Don't expect the president to support a probe. While a top executive at the hospital, Mrs. Obama helped engineer the plan to offload low-income patients with non-urgent health needs. Under the Orwellian banner of an "Urban Health Initiative," Mrs. Obama sold the scheme to outsource low-income care to other facilities as a way to "dramatically improve healthcare for thousands of South Side residents."

In truth, it was old-fashioned cost-cutting and favor-trading repackaged as minority aid. Clearing out the poor freed up room for insured (i.e., more lucrative) patients. If a Republican had proposed the very same program and recruited black civic leaders to front it, Michelle Obama and her grievance-mongering friends would be screaming "RAAAAAAAAACISM!" at the top of their lungs.

Joe Stephens of The Washington Post wrote, "To ensure community support, Michelle Obama and others in late 2006 recommended that the hospital hire the firm of David Axelrod, who a few months later became the chief strategist for Barack Obama's presidential campaign. Axelrod's firm (ASK Public Strategies) recommended an aggressive promotional effort modeled on a political campaign -- appoint a campaign manager, conduct focus groups, target messages to specific constituencies, then recruit religious leaders and other third-party 'validators.' They, in turn, would write and submit opinion pieces to Chicago publications."

Some healthcare experts saw through Mrs. Obama and PR man Axelrod -- yes, the same Axelrod who is now President Obama's senior adviser. But the University of Chicago Medical Center hired ASK Public Strategies to promote Mrs. Obama's initiative. Axelrod had the blessing of Chicago political guru Valerie Jarrett -- now a White House senior adviser.

Axelrod's great contribution: re-branding! His firm recommended renaming the initiative after "internal and external respondents expressed the opinion that the word 'urban' is code for 'black' or 'black and poor.' ...Based on the research, consideration should be given to re-branding the initiative." Axelrod and the Obama campaign refused to disclose how much his firm received for its genius re-branding services.

In February 2009, outrage in the Obamas' community exploded upon learning that a young boy covered by Medicaid had been turned away from the University of Chicago Medical Center. Dontae Adams' mother, Angela, had sought emergency treatment for him after a pit bull tore off his upper lip. Mrs. Obama's hospital gave the boy a tetanus shot, antibiotics and Tylenol, and shoved him out the door. The mother and son took an hour-long bus ride to another hospital for surgery.

I'll guarantee you this: You'll never see the Adams family featured at an Obama policy summit or seated next to the first lady at a joint session of Congress to illustrate the failures of the healthcare system.

Following the Adams incident, the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP) blasted Mrs. Obama and Axelrod's grand plan. The group released a statement expressing "grave concerns that the University of Chicago's policy toward emergency patients is dangerously close to 'patient dumping,' a practice made illegal by the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA)" -- signed by President Reagan, by the way -- "and reflected an effort to 'cherry pick' wealthy patients over poor."

Rewarding political cronies at the expense of the poor while posing as guardians of the downtrodden? Welcome to Obamacare.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Biggest corporate attack on Obama yet

Here we go again...

Dear MoveOn member,

Less than 48 hours ago, the biggest corporations in the country declared war on President Obama's agenda. The scale of the attack is mind-boggling.

The right-wing lobbyists at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce will spend $100 million to defeat Obama's plans for health care and a clean energy economy. They call it their "most important project" in nearly 100 years.1

Congress is voting on a crucial energy bill in less than two weeks, and you can count on a barrage of misleading TV ads and arm-twisting in Congress aimed at weakening the bill. We're countering with an emergency organizing drive to strengthen the energy bill—but we urgently need to raise the funds to power our organizing drive.

Can you chip in $25 to help fight back against the Chamber's campaign?

Your local Chamber of Commerce represents small businesses, but the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is different—it represents the interests of mega-corporations, especially Big Oil and Coal.

In the next ten days, we'll pull out all the stops to block the Chamber and strengthen the energy bill. And after the big vote, we'll keep going just as strong—demanding a public health insurance option in the health care bill, fighting for tough new rules to rein in the financial industry, and making sure Obama's progressive agenda gets enough grassroots support to succeed.

This is an all-hands-on-deck moment, so we're pulling together our best online, grassroots, and legislative strategies to:

* Flood Capitol Hill with thousands of phone calls.
* Buy online ads targeted to get the attention of opinion-makers in key House districts.
* Bring together progressive members of Congress to speak out about the problems in the bill.
* Hand-deliver petitions to dozens of local congressional offices—and hold media events outside to highlight the voices of unemployed people calling for clean energy jobs.
* Hold face-to-face meetings with congressional staff in Washington and in communities across the country.
* Launch a new website,, where we'll rally local environmental groups to the cause.

We're deciding this weekend on our final plan for pushing Congress before the vote—so we need to know what resources we have available. Can you chip in $25?

Thanks for all you do.

–Anna, Wes, Noah, Nita and the rest of the team

P.S. If you're a member of your local Chamber of Commerce or run a small business, please sign our petition asking the U.S. Chamber to stop lobbying against Obama's clean energy jobs plan:

Dear MoveOn Don't-Wanna-Hear-From-You-Unless-You're-Donating .org:

First, the "big corporations" aren't attacking Obama, they're attacking the stupid ass plans for nationalized health care, fake green job creation, and supposed "green energy economy."

Since you all are a bunch of socialist morons working at a charity with donated paychecks, you've probably never actually run a business. Do you know what it takes? Do you have any idea how much money is spent just to run that business and comply with b.s. government rules, regulations, and laws?

Have you ever even been self-employed? Do you know what it's like to have to make your own paycheck happen? Do you have any idea what the tax burden, regulations, and other requirements are just so you can employ yourself instead of begging one of those corporations (the ones you hate so much) to pay you instead? Ever had a job that wasn't government-funded or based on the donations of others?

Probably not.

Otherwise, you'd realize that Obama's plans for "green jobs" and for a "green economy" and for "public healthcare" (aka Obamacare) are BULLSHIT. They will CRIPPLE the working class, RUIN the middle class, and funnel more money into the coffers of the rich.

Yes, Obama wants to give more money to his rich, corporate buddies.

What? Blashphemy!

Oh really? Who's on Obama's @#$%#$$#^%#$% staff, you jackasses? RICH CORPORATE WALL STREET BANKER TYPES. That's who fills Obama's cabinet and advisory committees.

So shove your "gimme money to help Obama" bullshit and wake your ass up. You're nothing but a crony to the globalists and banker elites. If you can't see that, you are blind and dumb. Pull your head out of the sand, MoveOn!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

What we're doing in Congress

Dear MoveOn member,

Here in Washington, there are some encouraging signs on health care reform. Key members of the House and Senate have voiced their support for a public health insurance option—crucial to lowering costs and covering everyone. And just last week, President Obama strongly backed the plan.

But this progress creates a whole new risk: Opponents of reform know that a public health insurance option is likely to be part of the final bill. Their new strategy is to weaken it as much as possible.

We'll only get one shot at health care reform, and we need it to be the best possible plan. So members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus like me are fighting back by drawing a clear line in the sand: We will only support a bill if it includes a strong public health insurance option.

"Strong" means that it is run by the federal government, helps cover all of us, and comes into effect as soon as possible.

But this will only work if the rest of Congress knows that the grassroots support us. Click here to support our line in the sand on a strong public health insurance option:

Dozens of us in Congress are already on board. If your representative is already standing tall, your signature will show the support in his or her home district. If not, it will help convince your representative that it's time to demand a strong public health insurance option.

Publicly pledging to oppose something—instead of just doing so in closed-door sessions with other members of Congress—is certainly an uncommon step. But with nearly 50 million Americans without health care and the rest struggling with out-of-control costs, it's time for bold action.

We believe a strong public option is key to achieving universal health care and lowering costs. The plan will:

* Finally provide relief to small businesses and families. The public health insurance plan will drive costs down across the board, helping everyone who is struggling in this economy.
* Give Americans a choice. So many Americans don't like their private insurance—or don't have it at all. With this plan, they'd be able to choose a plan that's not run by insurance companies. But if they're happy with their current coverage, they can keep it.
* Make universal health care a reality. The public health insurance option will be available to everyone, regardless of job status or pre-existing conditions.

Our colleagues in the Senate and House are releasing their drafts of health care reform legislation right now, so we need to speak out immediately. Click here to stand with us.

Thanks for all you do.

–Representative Jan Schakowsky, 9th district of Illinois

My MoveOn you plebe, MoveOn doesn't want your response response:

Well, this is original. They finally got some Congresscritter to sign on and help them promote something. Since I've already explained why Obamacare is worse than Hillarycare (but sneakier) and why it won't work, let's look at Representative Schakowsky instead.

First, if the good people of Illinois want Obamacare, why don't THEY get it for themselves and leave the rest of U.S., who don't want it, out of the deal? I have no interest in Obamacare and I have even less interest in what the people if Illinois want. I don't live there. I live in Wyoming, which is nothing like Illinois. For one thing, our state isn't in debt.

Now, let's look at the oh-so-enlightening voting record of Miss Schakowsky. Hmm... it is enlightening, for sure.

According to Project Vote Smart, her record says that she is ranked:

2008 In 2008 National Taxpayers Union gave Representative Schakowsky a rating of F.

2007-2008 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the National Tax Limitation Committee 0 percent in 2007-2008.

2007 In 2007 Americans for Tax Reform gave Representative Schakowsky a grade of 0.

2007 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to FreedomWorks's position, Representative Schakowsky received a rating of 5.

That makes sense, given that she's now touting Obamacare as a plan and is one of the few 100% "welfare" voters in Congress.

This can be juxtaposed, of course, with the "government should pay for everything" so-called "energy" groups' ratings. Note that the ethanol people love her, despite ethanol being proven as way less than green:

2005-2006 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the Campaign for America's Future 100 percent in 2005-2006 on energy legislation.

2001 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the American Coalition for Ethanol 100 percent in 2001.

Hey, how about parental rights? She probably did pretty well there. Eh?

2007-2008 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the American Family Association 0 percent in 2007-2008.

2007-2008 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the Family Research Council 0 percent in 2007-2008.

2007 Based on a point system, with points assigned for actions in support of or in opposition to Children's Defense Fund's position, Representative Schakowsky received a rating of 100.

She's apparently a big fan of government's wasteful spending too:

2007 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the Citizens Against Government Waste 3 percent in 2007.

And all of the ratings before Obamacare was an issue show that she is high on the list of most health care types, but is apparently selective about what, exactly, health care really is:

2007-2008 In 2007-2008 St. Joseph Health System gave Representative Schakowsky a grade of 100.

2007 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the Alliance For Headache Disorders Advocacy 0 percent in 2007.

2007 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the American Academy of Family Physicians 100 percent in 2007.

2007 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the American Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology 100 percent in 2007.

2007 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the Association of University Centers on Disabilites 60 percent in 2007.

2007 In 2007 Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance gave Representative Schakowsky a rating of 50.

2007 On the votes that the The Children's Health Fund considered to be the most important in 2007, Representative Schakowsky voted their preferred position 100 percent of the time.

2006 Representative Schakowsky supported the interests of the Academy of General Dentistry 40 percent in 2006.

Since most of those groups aren't supporting Obamacare, I'd bet her ratings are lower now.

Things are interesting when you get paste the hype and false government promises.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Obama's bold statement

Dear MoveOn member,

Since taking office, President Obama hasn't said much about a key plank of health care reform—the public health insurance option. Some worried he had backed off from his support of it.

Yesterday, all that changed. Obama said: "I strongly believe that Americans should have the choice of a public health insurance option operating alongside private plans. This will give them a better range of choices, make the health care market more competitive, and keep insurance companies honest."1

This is a huge deal. It's Obama using some of his massive political capital to take a crucial stand. And it's going to make a bunch of Republicans and insurance company lobbyists pretty angry at him. In fact, they're spending $20 million to crush this key part of his plan.2
A public health insurance option is the heart of real health care reform. And with the right wing united against it, we need to show Congress just how many Americans stand with Obama on this. Can you sign the petition supporting Obama and the public health insurance option?

Clicking here will sign your name:

The petition says: "I strongly believe that Americans should have the choice of a public health insurance option operating alongside private plans. This will give them a better range of choices, make the health care market more competitive, and keep insurance companies honest."

The public health insurance option, which will provide coverage for all Americans and help bring costs down, is a crucial component of health care reform—and it's Republicans' number one target. As an article in the D.C. newspaper Roll Call put it yesterday:3

"Senate Republicans, realizing they don't have the votes to stop a Democratic health care bill on their own, are relying on a strategy designed to win the public relations battle over defining what it would mean to create a public plan. By the time the Democrats introduce a bill on the floor, Republicans hope to have made it politically impossible to vote for anything that includes a public plan."

This is a critical moment on health care. A key Senate committee is just days away from releasing a first draft of reform legislation, and the right-wing attacks are aimed at making sure it's watered down.

But if hundreds of thousands of us speak up, we can show Congress that Americans demand real health care reform—with a strong public health insurance option. As the President also said yesterday, "In 2009, health care reform is not a luxury. It's a necessity we cannot defer."

Sign the petition today and show Congress that Americans stand with President Obama on health care reform. Clicking here will sign your name:

Thanks for all you do.

–Patrick S., Joan, Ilyse, Peter and the rest of the team

My MoveOn, We Don't Want Your Opinion, Chump response:

Uhh... Competitive? How is government entering the business of insurance somehow going to make insurance more competitive? HA!

Know anyone with flood insurance? Where do they get it from? Right, ultimately it's from government. Why? Because private insurance knows that underwriting most of these homes on the coastlines (you know, rich people beach houses) is financially disastrous, so they refuse. In steps government.

Now even people who live in the Midwest can't get flood insurance unless they go through government. Why?

Because government can subsidize insurance with taxpayer money. So instead of operating like a real business, which has to balance risk with income savings, government can just charge whatever they want and then use forced payments from taxpayers to make up the difference when the shit hits the fan.

So you can keep your "public health insurance" bullshit to yourself. If you want it so bad, go get Medicare or enroll in the Veteran's Administration and use that public health care. Leave mine alone.

Oh, you don't think that'll work? You don't think the Medicare system works right? Medicaid is too complicated, doesn't pay enough, and isn't easy to use? Ya, well, welcome to government-run health care.

Good luck getting well, sucker.

Why do you think Canadians come to America for major surgery and "elective" medical work?

Yep, their government won't cover that or puts them on long waiting lists to do it. Even if it's really needed. Oh, by the way, Canada has fewer doctors per capita than we do. Why?

Probably because medical practice no longer pays. The government decides how much they get and few can justify 10+ years of schooling (and the costs associated) for the money they'll be paid upon their exit.

F THAT, buddy. You can keep your government-run health care and insurance. Thank you very much.

Dick Cheney called...he wants his empire back

Oh look, another one. I think TrueMajority is turning into a bunch of Capitalist swine! Using false flag advertising to get me to read their emails begging me to support their sponsor and give them money.

Dear Aaron,

How do you feel when you pay your cell phone bill? Proud? Hopeful? Honored?

If not, it's probably because you haven't switched your cell service over to our friends at CREDO Mobile yet. CREDO fights alongside TrueMajority members every day to cut Pentagon waste, invest in health care for all Americans, and dial-back global warming pollution. And by signing up for their phone service, you can support the work of TrueMajority and other progressive causes every time you make a phone call.

Check out their plans and phones for yourself and you could feel a whole lot different next time you pay your bill.

- Drew
Drew Hudson

Is Dick Cheney running for president?

Dear Aaron,

How do you feel when you pay your cell phone bill? Proud? Hopeful? Honored?

If not, it's probably because you haven't switched your cell service over to our friends at CREDO Mobile yet. CREDO fights alongside TrueMajority members every day to cut Pentagon waste, invest in health care for all Americans, and dial-back global warming pollution. And by signing up for their phone service, you can support the work of TrueMajority and other progressive causes every time you make a phone call.

Check out their plans and phones for yourself and you could feel a whole lot different next time you pay your bill.

- Drew
Drew Hudson

TrueMajority of What? Response:

Uhhh...what does this have to do with Dick Cheney running (or not running) for President? It looks like a blatantly misleading advertisement for some cell phone company no one's heard of who's probably paid you a pile of money to send out this spam to your email list.

Gee, nice to see that "progressive values" aren't lost on you...