Monday, June 29, 2009

MoveOn Doesn't Like Cap-n-Trade

Dear MoveOn member,

The U.S. House passed a huge energy bill Friday. Lots of good people are applauding the passage of this legislation. But here's the ugly truth:

Big Oil and Coal lobbyists, working in cahoots with some conservative Blue Dog Democrats, weakened the bill terribly—it now falls far short of President Obama's campaign vision to transition America's economy to clean energy and create millions of new jobs.

In fact, the bill repeals a key part of the Clean Air Act and doesn't do nearly enough to shift America to renewable energy—so instead of a boom in solar and wind, the bill locks us into dirty coal power for another generation.1

Working with progressive champions in the House, we were able to achieve modest gains at the eleventh hour (see details below). But saving the Clean Air Act and fixing other problems with the bill as the fight moves to the Senate will require a massive grassroots outcry.

So we have a decision to make: Should MoveOn launch a full-court press to fix the bill, and turn up the heat on senators who might be tempted to side with Big Oil and Coal?

I was almost happy until I read the second paragraph. Once again, your true roots show through, MoveOn:

Sure enough, the big, fat, corporate welfare check that is Cap and Trade will accomplish a couple of key things: it will screw us out of more jobs by raising taxes on business and, more importantly, it will make Al Gore and Nancy Pelosi richer.

What? How's that?

Al Gore (mostly) owns the largest of the "carbon offset" trade schemes on Wall Street. Many of his buddies from Wall Street are on Obama's staff in the White House. Coincidence?

Nancy Pelosi will get money from GE and other energy companies for whom her friends and family are on the boards or work for too.

Not to mention the EPA suppressed contrary evidence and findings in order to make "global warming" a fact that Obama and Waxman could point to as evidence. Convenient how the story on that didn't break until AFTER the bill was passed.

Oh, and don't bother looking to Europe. You know, the socialists you all love to point to as a model and example of how the U.S. should be? Ya, those guys. They're all looking at dumping their Cap-n-Trade laws and going back to the way it was because their laws have done NOTHING to help and only gotten in the way--while increasing unemployment.


Of course, I only pay 58% of my income in taxes right now. That leaves 42% of my income free and that might be too much for you socialists to see fit to let me keep. Better enact some more confiscation schemes.

Go get a real job, MoveOn, and quit begging for donations so you can keep sitting in your offices spewing out these moronic emails as if you gave a crap about what real Americans actually want.

If you love socialism so much and think it's so great, move to China. Leave my money alone, you thieves!

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