Thursday, June 4, 2009

Is Dick Cheney running for president?

Dear Aaron,

How do you feel when you pay your cell phone bill? Proud? Hopeful? Honored?

If not, it's probably because you haven't switched your cell service over to our friends at CREDO Mobile yet. CREDO fights alongside TrueMajority members every day to cut Pentagon waste, invest in health care for all Americans, and dial-back global warming pollution. And by signing up for their phone service, you can support the work of TrueMajority and other progressive causes every time you make a phone call.

Check out their plans and phones for yourself and you could feel a whole lot different next time you pay your bill.

- Drew
Drew Hudson

TrueMajority of What? Response:

Uhhh...what does this have to do with Dick Cheney running (or not running) for President? It looks like a blatantly misleading advertisement for some cell phone company no one's heard of who's probably paid you a pile of money to send out this spam to your email list.

Gee, nice to see that "progressive values" aren't lost on you...

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