Monday, April 27, 2009

Democrats are caving

Dear MoveOn member,

This is it. Congress is about to begin voting on the biggest clean energy jobs plan America has ever seen—but last week we learned that a few conservative Democrats on the powerful House Energy and Commerce Committee are conspiring to weaken it.

Their leader is threatening to block the bill from even reaching the House floor unless it's changed to make the coal industry happy—and delay America's switch to a clean energy economy.1 Millions of new, high-paying jobs are at stake.

We've only got one shot at at this thing. If the bill gets watered down now, it'll be really hard to strengthen it later. So we've put together an ad to run in key Democrats' home districts, showing how clean energy can rebuild the American economy one community at a time.

The first votes are expected this week so we need to raise $192,000 to get the ad on the air today and keep it up throughout the voting. Can you chip in $25 to help out? Click here:

This clean energy jobs bill would aggressively scale up American wind and solar production and save us all money by investing in energy-efficiency programs. It's a bold start at moving America to a clean energy economy, and it was written by two of the great progressive champions in Congress, Henry Waxman of California and Ed Markey of Massachusetts.

MoveOn's got a critical role to play in supporting and strengthening the bill—and making sure that conservative Democrats don't side with Big Oil and Coal to kill the bill or weaken it beyond recognition.

Already, MoveOn members are organizing media events in representatives' home districts where business leaders will speak about the opportunities of a clean energy economy.

To turn up the heat, our new ad shows how we could create clean energy jobs across America to pull us out of this economic crisis and make America a clean-technology leader for the 21st century. We're running it in the districts of three swing Democrats in Virginia, Tennessee, and Texas.

With the first votes expected this week, there's no time to waste. Help us get started right away with a contribution of $25. Please click here:

Thanks for all you do.

–Adam, Anna, Matt, Laura and the rest of the team

My MoveOn Response To Tell MoveOn to Move On

They're caving in because they know the bill is bullshit. No other way to put it. Why do we need government to pay for "clean energy technology?" A government panel from Obama's auto industry group just said that electric cars aren't viable.

These are YOUR buddies that YOU'RE trying to promote saying that there is no future for electric cars unless the government supplements them so people can afford them.


I have a better idea: STOP TAXING THE HELL OUT OF EVERYTHING AND EVERYONE and maybe we can do all of this green energy stuff on our own.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

We're losing

Dear MoveOn member,

If the jobs of the future are in wind and solar, where will those jobs be located? Unless we act quickly, this picture shows the answer:
Massive wind farm in China

By the end of the year, China will be the world's leading manufacturer of wind turbines.1 The U.S. government's investment in wind is tiny compared to China's, and that means American workers are missing out on millions of new jobs.

All that could change: In two weeks, there's a vote on President Obama's plan for a new energy economy. But key Democrats are wavering in the face of a flurry of Big Oil ads claiming America can't afford clean energy.

We're ready to counter with a new TV ad about all the great manufacturing jobs we could create by building clean energy tech. That's the message that'll convince Congress, but we need to raise $100,000 to put it on the air this week—can you chip in $25 to help out?

If we don't pass this bill, we'll lose our chance to create millions of good, green jobs for laid-off workers. We'll lose our chance to give our kids a vibrant economy. And we'll lose our chance to pay down our national debt.

U.S. investment in wind power lags far behind, but when it comes to solar power, the story is even more infuriating: In the 1990s, the U.S. actually led the world in solar cell manufacturing. But in the Bush-Cheney years, China, Japan, and Europe all zoomed ahead of us in solar production.

We can catch up, but only if we start quickly.

Obama's plan would aggressively scale up American wind and solar production—creating millions of new jobs and tackling climate change in one fell swoop.

But the latest ads from dirty-energy companies are scaring away key Democrats in Congress. We've got to ramp up our grassroots campaign, starting with a new national TV ad to frame clean energy as one of the best ways to create good, new jobs.

Can you pitch in $25 to help win the upcoming vote on Obama's clean energy jobs plan?

Thanks for all you do.

–Adam, Noah, Anna, Wes and the rest of the team

I think they filter emails that have "socialism" in the text:

How many times do I have to tell you socialist dipshits that government cannot create jobs. Government can only take away from someone, skim off a bit, and give what's left to someone else.

Asking the government to "create more green jobs" amounts to one thing: SOCIALISM.

Yep, I said it. SOCIALISM.

I have a better idea, you nitwits. Why not tell the government to give massive tax breaks to green power-producing businesses during their startup phase (first 3 years, say) and stop collecting income tax from people altogether so we can use our money to afford all these high-dollar green solutions ourselves?

I mean, what's the point of having the government take it from us, skim off their "share," and then redistribute it in order to make "green" stuff cheaper for the rest of us? Why not just allow us to keep our money so we can afford the green stuff to start with?

Gee, that might make too much sense.

Obama can't fire him, but you can

Dear Aaron,

President Obama's team is vowing to get tough on banks1, but the people who made millions ruining our economy aren't going down easy. In fact, the same firms we bailed out have spent a fortune lobbying the government to give them more money and special treatment2.

Pressure is intensifying to remove Ken Lewis, Bank of America's corrupt and disastrous CEO3. But government intervention is slow, so we're taking the fight to Lewis' boss - the shareholders. And since taxpayers invested over $50 billion in Bank of America through the bailout, you get a vote too. Sign our taxpayer proxy now and we'll deliver it to Bank of America's shareholder meeting.

Lewis is already under fire from New York's Attorney General and Congress. But he's trying to turn the investigation of his own mismanagement into an indictment of the Obama team's economic plan4. Misdirection, lobbying, influence peddling - it's the same mix of corporate mis-leadership that made Lewis millions and kept him out of trouble under the last Administration.

But it's not going to work this time. Lewis ran his company into the ground and asked taxpayers to pay for it. Now citizens and investors from all over are demanding Lewis step down, and that bank of America back a sensible reform of our financial sector - even the state of Connecticut is joining the fight to reform B of A.

If enough of us sign proxy statements, the shareholders will respond and tell Ken Lewis it's time to go. Sign the taxpayer proxy today, and we'll deliver it to the shareholders and the bank next week on your behalf.


Matt Holland
Online Director
TrueMajority / USAction

My ApparentlyNotIntheMajority response that TrueMajority bounces back as undeliverable:

Uhh...Why can't Obama fire him again? Oh ya, CUZ HE DOESN'T OWN OR HAVE CONTROLLING SHARE IN BANK OF AMERICA, that's why. Ya, see, in this country we have a little thing called "capitalism" where government doesn't own businesses and can't dictate to them how they run their business or, for that matter, who they hire and fire.

See, if Obama could fire this guy, that would mean that BoA is owned by the government, which would make us...yep, FASCISTS.

Of course, this doesn't fit into your anti-business, anti-Americanism, and anti-rights propaganda, so you conveniently ignore the facts. Sort of like you're ignoring the root cause of the economic crisis (government) and instead going after bankers and Wall Street who, while they aren't the nicest people in the world, are just taking advantage of our own government's stupidity.

Your good friend FDR started this mess, your buddy Jimmy Carter perpetuated it, and your poster boy Bill Clinton made it worse. Not that the Republicans don't share any blame, since none of them did anything to stop it either.

See, the problem is GOVERNMENT meddling in business and causing problems--usually in order to look good so they can get more votes. Now you jackasses are asking government to fix the problem they caused by making more government? Hello?!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Save jobs, and the planet

Dear Aaron,

Today is Earth Day, and President Obama is celebrating by visiting a wind-turbine factory in Iowa to show that we can solve our economic crisis by solving the climate and energy crises1. Congress is starting to move this week as well, and has pledged to address global warming and America's addiction to dirty energy2. But polluter CEO's are mounting a huge fight to boost short term profits by delaying the shift to low-cost, clean energy3.

On Friday we asked Obama not to wait for Congress before getting tough on climate polluters. Now we need to take the next step by getting the President to enact new pollution rules that steer our economy towards clean energy.

My response to TrueMasocialism:

Uhh...If Bush were to have done something like that, you'd be lambasting him for being "too fascist" with his "power" and for "circumventing democracy" or whatever your latest Fabian term for this crap is.

So...since you're all about socialism and (apparently) rule by the Dictator Obama rather than President Obama, I guess you'd be all for the idea of dumping the whole "market" thing and just going with straight government-controlled markets.

Well, we saw how well that worked in Russia, how quickly China figured out they should move towards more Capitalism, and how well off the North Koreans are. Yep, that works GREAT.


Tell your local paper about Obama's plan

Dear MoveOn member,

MoveOn member Ali P. says saving 30% on his health care would mean "survival for my small business." Sheila A. says it would mean "not having to go without groceries the last week of the month before I get paid."

But most people—including Congress and the media—still don't know that President Obama's public health insurance option could save Americans up to 30% off their insurance premiums1 without sacrificing quality.

Why is this fact important? Because health care legislation is being written right now in Congress. The public health insurance option is essential, but insurance companies are fighting it hard—and some Democrats are starting to waver. In this economy, one of the best arguments for the public option is the fact that it'll dramatically reduce health care costs.

Can you write a letter to the editor about how important the 30% savings from the public health insurance option is to the debate on health care? Our tool makes writing a letter a cinch. You can send the letter right from our website—and it only takes a few minutes.

My response and the LTE I'm writing:

Dear Newspaper,

Obama's socialist plan to fix our insurance by nationalizing it so that we all have shitty insurance coverage is a good one. I'm with MoveOn and the commies here. We definitely need this. The government screws up everything else: the economy, the postal service, welfare...why not let them jack up the healthcare industry even more than they already have!

Yep, I'm all for this, Mr. Newspaper man. Please print my letter.


Monday, April 20, 2009

Your Bank of America stock

Dear Aaron,

We didn't cause this economic crisis-but we sure are paying the price for the banks' mistakes. The biggest and baddest bank is Ken Lewis' Bank of America. With loans, credit cards and other products to almost half of all Americans, they played a central role in creating this recession - but have come out smelling like a rose.

B-of-A has survived because they took $45 billion in taxpayer bailouts, making us the single largest shareholders of the bank1 - and that gives us a chance to change their ways. So Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a big national union, and other progressive groups are forming a huge coalition to take down Ken Lewis.

Sign a proxy card demanding that Ken Lewis be fired, and that Bank of America support a fair finance system for us all.

We're not alone in calling for a new direction for the Bank of America: two big investment firms, major unions and others all want him fired2. And the reason is simple: Lewis oversaw some of the worst decisions on wall street including billions in bonuses for top executives, huge layoffs for employees, and a $35 million salary for Ken Lewis himself - despite having run his company into the ground3.

President Obama's team was on television this weekend talking about how to use the money we've invested in failing banks to build a new foundation for our economy. But that action could take years. We need to send a clear message of change right to the banks' governing boards4.

If we can convince Bank of America to fire Lewis and change it's ways, it will send a powerful message to the rest of Wall Street that with taxpayer bailouts comes accountability.

Sign the petition to fire Bank of America's CEO and set a new direction for Wall Street.


Matt Holland
Online Director
TrueMajority / USAction

To the TrueMajority Socialists Who Don't Want to Hear My Response:

Uhh...What part of the Communist Manifesto did you get all of this from?

FIRST, the "crisis" was caused by laws and regulations stemming from the Carter Administration and your socialistic "everyone should own a home, whether they can afford it or not" plans which were perpetuated by all of the Presidents and Congresses since then (and made worse under Clinton).

SECOND, the crisis is thanks more to the crap-ass job the Federal Reserve has done in "stabilizing" our economy than to any bank or CEO's actions.

So, here's my solution: FIRE EVERYONE IN WASHINGTON DC, ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE, and get rid of all this b.s. that's really caused all this "crisis."

Yes, that includes your Messiah, the Obamagod.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Obama vs. Big Polluters?

Dear Aaron,

This is BIG. The EPA just announced that they will treat carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases as pollutants that threaten public health1. It might seem like a common sense decision, but it's an essential step to getting real action to avert a climate catastrophe.

Congress is at last moving, tentatively, toward passing a climate bill too, but even if that law is approved it could take months to start taking effect2. Luckily, with the new EPA ruling, President Obama is empowered to start taking big steps *right now* to regulate those planet-cooking emissions.

We've wasted eight years doing nothing, we can't spare another month; not another DAY. Tell President Obama to use his new powers NOW to start ramping down climate change.

There's good reason for Obama to move fast. In addition to Earth Day coming up, if the President doesn't take action soon, Congress could cut him off at the pass - and delay real action for years. The coal industry, and other polluters, have hired literally THOUSANDS of lobbyists to fight climate change regulation in Congress.

Lobbyists for king coal and big oil have already convinced Congress to consider subsidies for their polluting industries, and a free pass on permits to keep warming up our planet3. And right now, their number one job is to stop Obama's new rule from going into effect.

Sign now to back up President Obama, and tell him not to wait for Congress' approval to start fighting global warming!

- Darcy

Darcy Scott Martin
TrueMajority/ USAction

My "I'm apparently not in the majority, so they ignore me and bounce back my emails" response:

Uhh... You know, maybe Obama is taking his time with this and in using his "new powers" (the ones you used to scream Bush was abusing) because he doesn't give a flying patoot about your wishes AND he might just happen to understand something that you don't:


Nine out of ten scientists who aren't looking for an environmentalist-paid grant agree: there is NOTHING to prove that global warming is caused by man-made carbon emissions except non-scientifically sound evidence. The other scientist believes in your global warming tripe because he worships Al Gore like you morons apparently do.

Let me explain a few things to you socialist idiots:
* Al Gore is a twit--and not in an Oprah Winfrey on Twitter kind of way.
* A "global warming" or "carbon" tax will do nothing but further fleece us for money we don't have!
* The best way for you to save the world is to GET RID OF GOVERNMENT because GOVERNMENT is the world's #1 polluter, #1 genocide offender, and #1 people killer.

But, of course, you could care less because you're an elitist, socialist, Marx-loving, Che Guavera t-shirt-wearing dipshit.

Science schmience, we need to combat the global warming problem with emotional decision making!!!

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Save Michele Obama's Garden

Dear Aaron,

We recently learned that the chemical industry is angry at First Lady Michelle Obama for NOT spraying toxic chemicals on her family's garden. We were dumbfounded by this, and so were our friends at CREDO. This is all part of a campaign started by the chemical industry to convince America that we need chemicals to grow food. CREDO has been working hard to show support for the First Lady and tell the chemical companies to back off.

Show your support by signing their petition.

- Drew
Drew Hudson
TrueMajority/ USAction

My bounce-back cuz they don't care about anyone's opinion but their own response:

Umm...mostly, I should just let this one speak for itself. This is their "highly important" issue? This issue is worth sending thousands upon thousands of emails and creating a petition for?

Oh boy... Well, for the record, the White House garden will soon be illegal anyway. Watch this:

Haven't seen any TrueMasocialist emails on this one. Wonder why?

Read more about the bills Shelly talks about by clicking here

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

30% off health care?

Dear MoveOn member,

Get this: If Congress passes Obama's plan and Americans are given the choice of a public health insurance option similar to Medicare, we could all save up to 30% on our health care premiums.1 That's a huge savings, and we'd still get high-quality coverage and be able to choose our doctors.

And even if you choose to keep your current insurance, you'd save anyway. You see, HMOs and big insurance companies are the only game in town right now—so they overcharge us to boost profits and pay out CEO bonuses. If Obama's plan passes, they'd have to compete with it, and their prices would have to be more honest.
Lower premiums for us means lower profits for them, so insurance companies are putting extreme pressure on Congress to drop the public health insurance option. But Americans deserve to have this choice—and it's necessary to help rein in out-of-control health care costs.

Imagine how different things would be if we all had quality health care that costs up to 30% less than what we're paying now. Would you use the money toward college for a child? A safe retirement? Or maybe you'll finally be able to afford the treatment or medicines you need.

Can you click the link below to tell Congress how Obama's public health insurance option would change your life? We'll send all the answers to Congress, as part of our campaign to make sure we get real health care reform this year.

My response to MoveOn, who doesn't believe in democratic feedback:

How the hell can you figure this crap? This is the largest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard. Since when has government made anything "cost less?" They're masters of making things cost MORE. It might not be direct costs, but it'll be higher costs in taxes and other confiscation schemes.

Private insurance will disappear once government "competes" with them. Why? Because government gets to call the shots! They're the largest reason that insurance costs as much as it does now.

Don't believe me? Look it up before you believe the socialist b.s. MoveOn is trying to feed you. High health insurance doesn't have anything to do with corporate bonuses and whatever else. Insurance costs have a lot more to do with the high costs of healthcare than they do with any "bonuses" or "corporate greed" that the socialists would have you believe.

Healthcare costs are boosted by nearly 50% thanks to GOVERNMENT, not to greed. GOVERNMENT-required paperwork for insurance accounts for about 33% (1/3) of all doctor's office overhead. Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP and ask your actual, local, real doctor what he spends his money on.

Another big cost booster? HUGELY EXPENSIVE costs associated with lawsuits related to malpractice are another one. Why? Because in order to keep up with the income required to make 10 years of medical school worth the trouble, the average doctor cannot work as a "general practice" "family practice" doctor giving personalized healthcare like they did in the old days. Instead, they have to work as "doctor factories," pumping out as many appointments doing as many surgeries and whatever else as they can in a day. This means bad healthcare and higher lawsuits.

Welcome to GOVERNMENT RUN healthcare. Think government-run insurance will fix this? Hell no, then they'll call the shots for pricing and other things, forcing doctors to become even WORSE in order to stay in business.

I say we get government out of healthcare altogether! Dump Medicare! Drop Medicaid! Let private companies, private charities, and private business lower the costs INSTANTLY. It'll be way bigger than MoveOn's bullshit "30%" dream they're pimping here.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Senator Franken

Dear MoveOn member,

Norm Coleman knows Al Franken won.

The courts just finished counting and recounting all potential ballots, and the results are clear: Al Franken got more votes than Norm Coleman did. In fact, this last round of Coleman challenges actually widened Franken's lead.1

But Coleman is betting on the fact that Al Franken doesn't have the funds to keep fighting a long legal battle. So instead of conceding gracefully, Coleman plans to appeal this final ruling, and drag this case through the Minnesota Supreme Court for several more months.2

It's cynical. It's selfish. And it's hurting Minnesotans—not to mention Obama's ability to pass real health care reform, create millions of green jobs, and build a new-energy economy.

If Al Franken can show that he has the war chest to keep going, Coleman won't be able to justify dragging this out longer. All of us need to pitch in and help send a strong message to Norm Coleman: Al Franken won this election, and we're sticking by him until he's seated in the U.S. Senate. Can you chip in $25 today?

My response, which MoveOn ignored:

I cut this one off since it was quite lengthy and amounted to a beg-a-thon to get me to donate to make sure that Mr. Franken is properly seated in the Senate. Can I be honest? I couldn't give a shit less about Al Franken and his electoral win for the Senate seat.

You see, it's not because I don't believe in "democracy" and "the electoral process," it's because MoveOn is promoting this and they aren't for any of those things either (despite their cries to the contrary).

If they did care about elections and democracy, they'd have been doing this same thing when the courts found that there wasn't sufficient evidence that Obama is a citizen of the U.S.

Since Obama is their man, they obviously aren't interested in doing anything to hurt his Presidency.

If MoveOn gave a crap about elections and democracy, they would have stepped up to the plate when the voter fraud that ACORN committed was revealed. Instead, they ignored it, because ACORN are also their buddies.

See MoveOn isn't about "elections" or "democracy," they're about getting socialists elected to office. That's it. They could care less what YOU really want, only what they can convince you is in your best clouding the issue with "progressive" dogma and ignoring facts and choosing what to support.

It's for this same reason I can't support the ACLU entirely. They do some good things, but they aren't really about civil liberties. They're about First Amendment liberties, so long as those liberties don't infringe on the socialist agenda.

Eventually, people will wake up and realize that socialists want to rape and pillage you just as much as the fascist right-wingers want to. The only difference is in the justification they'll use to do it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

MoveOn Wants to Prove Communism Works

Dear MoveOn member,

Last week the Obama administration took tough, decisive action with the auto industry, forcing the resignation of the CEO of General Motors.

The president knows that we can't trust the same folks who got us into this mess to help lead us out.

It's time to do the same for the banks. And the best way to start is by firing Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis. He's the worst of the worst.

Lewis's poor management helped ruin his company and our economy. Shareholders are calling him "reckless" and citing "disastrous missteps."1 Worse, Lewis accepted $45 billion in taxpayer bailout funds, but instead of using all the money to get the economy going again, he let $3.6 billion go to bonuses for top execs.2

There can't be real reform on Wall Street until the CEOs who brought down the banks we had to bail out are long gone.

Can you sign our petition asking Treasury Secretary Geithner replace the leadership at bailed out banks—starting with Ken Lewis? Clicking here adds your name:

The petition says: "We can't trust the same people who got us into this financial mess to help lead us out. Replace the leadership at the bailed-out banks, starting with Bank of America CEO Ken Lewis."

Lewis is the CEO of the biggest bank in the United States.3 If Secretary Geithner forces him to resign, it'll send a strong message to the rest of Wall St.: The era of zero accountability is over and reckless behavior that puts our economy at risk won't be tolerated.

Of all the folks who helped bring about the recession, Lewis is one of the worst:

* Shareholders say he helped drive the company into the ground. Bank of America has lost billions—and 90% of its value—in part because Lewis "hastily arranged the ill-considered acquisition" of Merrill Lynch.4
* Even after the crisis, he hasn't changed his ways. He ensured that high-level staff received bonuses—despite recent announcements that the bank was laying off another 35,000 employees.5
* On top of all this, he's fighting against more rights for workers. Three days after receiving $25 billion in bailout money, Bank of America brought together powerful banking interests to figure out how to defeat the Employee Free Choice Act, a bill that makes it easier for workers to form unions.6

Ken Lewis has got to go. And we need to look closely at the other bailed-out banks that may need new leadership too.

Our friends at Service Employees International Union (the country's fastest-growing union) have been leading this campaign for a few weeks—and they're building momentum quickly. If hundreds of thousands of us act, together, we'll be impossible to ignore. Please sign today!

Thanks for all you do.

–Daniel, Patrick S., Eli, Lenore and the rest of the team

My response, which (of course) bounced back because they don't want to get emails from the plebes:

Dear MoveOn:

To prove that the government now owns those companies it's bailed out, the White House fired the CEO of General Motors. Now you're telling them you want them to fire all of the others who head those who've also received bailouts. I have news for you: ownership of business by government is COMMUNISM.

Further, you might want to actually find out what's happened on Wall Street and everywhere else. Then maybe you'll amend your petition and demand that everyone in Washington, D.C. be fired for their negligence--especially Senators For Life (there are 102 of them right now) including your best friend Nancy Pelosi.

You see, MoveOn, those are the true culprits in this disaster, not the businesses who supposedly failed by "fleecing" Americans. Those businesses only did what they were designed to do: make money by leveraging investments. When Jimmy Carter opened up the housing market to them back in the day, they jumped in with both feet.

Yet when a big fat 8% of American homes were in foreclosure, a CRISIS was declared and all of these bankers started whining that they needed saving. Instead of letting them fall and letting the ones who lived through it learn a lesson, though, your buddies like Pelosi and Obama were all on the bandwagon to bail them out.

So I say we start a petition to get rid of all the worthless morons in Washington. Let's see...boy, that's a lot of pink slips. Tell you what, if you'll get the people to fill them out, one by one, for each member of the House, the Senate, and all senior members of the White House staff, I'll go down to Office Max and put up the cash to purchase all those pink slips.
