Monday, April 13, 2009

Senator Franken

Dear MoveOn member,

Norm Coleman knows Al Franken won.

The courts just finished counting and recounting all potential ballots, and the results are clear: Al Franken got more votes than Norm Coleman did. In fact, this last round of Coleman challenges actually widened Franken's lead.1

But Coleman is betting on the fact that Al Franken doesn't have the funds to keep fighting a long legal battle. So instead of conceding gracefully, Coleman plans to appeal this final ruling, and drag this case through the Minnesota Supreme Court for several more months.2

It's cynical. It's selfish. And it's hurting Minnesotans—not to mention Obama's ability to pass real health care reform, create millions of green jobs, and build a new-energy economy.

If Al Franken can show that he has the war chest to keep going, Coleman won't be able to justify dragging this out longer. All of us need to pitch in and help send a strong message to Norm Coleman: Al Franken won this election, and we're sticking by him until he's seated in the U.S. Senate. Can you chip in $25 today?

My response, which MoveOn ignored:

I cut this one off since it was quite lengthy and amounted to a beg-a-thon to get me to donate to make sure that Mr. Franken is properly seated in the Senate. Can I be honest? I couldn't give a shit less about Al Franken and his electoral win for the Senate seat.

You see, it's not because I don't believe in "democracy" and "the electoral process," it's because MoveOn is promoting this and they aren't for any of those things either (despite their cries to the contrary).

If they did care about elections and democracy, they'd have been doing this same thing when the courts found that there wasn't sufficient evidence that Obama is a citizen of the U.S.

Since Obama is their man, they obviously aren't interested in doing anything to hurt his Presidency.

If MoveOn gave a crap about elections and democracy, they would have stepped up to the plate when the voter fraud that ACORN committed was revealed. Instead, they ignored it, because ACORN are also their buddies.

See MoveOn isn't about "elections" or "democracy," they're about getting socialists elected to office. That's it. They could care less what YOU really want, only what they can convince you is in your best clouding the issue with "progressive" dogma and ignoring facts and choosing what to support.

It's for this same reason I can't support the ACLU entirely. They do some good things, but they aren't really about civil liberties. They're about First Amendment liberties, so long as those liberties don't infringe on the socialist agenda.

Eventually, people will wake up and realize that socialists want to rape and pillage you just as much as the fascist right-wingers want to. The only difference is in the justification they'll use to do it.

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