Tuesday, April 14, 2009

30% off health care?

Dear MoveOn member,

Get this: If Congress passes Obama's plan and Americans are given the choice of a public health insurance option similar to Medicare, we could all save up to 30% on our health care premiums.1 That's a huge savings, and we'd still get high-quality coverage and be able to choose our doctors.

And even if you choose to keep your current insurance, you'd save anyway. You see, HMOs and big insurance companies are the only game in town right now—so they overcharge us to boost profits and pay out CEO bonuses. If Obama's plan passes, they'd have to compete with it, and their prices would have to be more honest.
Lower premiums for us means lower profits for them, so insurance companies are putting extreme pressure on Congress to drop the public health insurance option. But Americans deserve to have this choice—and it's necessary to help rein in out-of-control health care costs.

Imagine how different things would be if we all had quality health care that costs up to 30% less than what we're paying now. Would you use the money toward college for a child? A safe retirement? Or maybe you'll finally be able to afford the treatment or medicines you need.

Can you click the link below to tell Congress how Obama's public health insurance option would change your life? We'll send all the answers to Congress, as part of our campaign to make sure we get real health care reform this year.

My response to MoveOn, who doesn't believe in democratic feedback:

How the hell can you figure this crap? This is the largest bunch of bullshit I've ever heard. Since when has government made anything "cost less?" They're masters of making things cost MORE. It might not be direct costs, but it'll be higher costs in taxes and other confiscation schemes.

Private insurance will disappear once government "competes" with them. Why? Because government gets to call the shots! They're the largest reason that insurance costs as much as it does now.

Don't believe me? Look it up before you believe the socialist b.s. MoveOn is trying to feed you. High health insurance doesn't have anything to do with corporate bonuses and whatever else. Insurance costs have a lot more to do with the high costs of healthcare than they do with any "bonuses" or "corporate greed" that the socialists would have you believe.

Healthcare costs are boosted by nearly 50% thanks to GOVERNMENT, not to greed. GOVERNMENT-required paperwork for insurance accounts for about 33% (1/3) of all doctor's office overhead. Don't believe me? LOOK IT UP and ask your actual, local, real doctor what he spends his money on.

Another big cost booster? HUGELY EXPENSIVE costs associated with lawsuits related to malpractice are another one. Why? Because in order to keep up with the income required to make 10 years of medical school worth the trouble, the average doctor cannot work as a "general practice" "family practice" doctor giving personalized healthcare like they did in the old days. Instead, they have to work as "doctor factories," pumping out as many appointments doing as many surgeries and whatever else as they can in a day. This means bad healthcare and higher lawsuits.

Welcome to GOVERNMENT RUN healthcare. Think government-run insurance will fix this? Hell no, then they'll call the shots for pricing and other things, forcing doctors to become even WORSE in order to stay in business.

I say we get government out of healthcare altogether! Dump Medicare! Drop Medicaid! Let private companies, private charities, and private business lower the costs INSTANTLY. It'll be way bigger than MoveOn's bullshit "30%" dream they're pimping here.

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