Monday, April 20, 2009

Your Bank of America stock

Dear Aaron,

We didn't cause this economic crisis-but we sure are paying the price for the banks' mistakes. The biggest and baddest bank is Ken Lewis' Bank of America. With loans, credit cards and other products to almost half of all Americans, they played a central role in creating this recession - but have come out smelling like a rose.

B-of-A has survived because they took $45 billion in taxpayer bailouts, making us the single largest shareholders of the bank1 - and that gives us a chance to change their ways. So Service Employees International Union (SEIU), a big national union, and other progressive groups are forming a huge coalition to take down Ken Lewis.

Sign a proxy card demanding that Ken Lewis be fired, and that Bank of America support a fair finance system for us all.

We're not alone in calling for a new direction for the Bank of America: two big investment firms, major unions and others all want him fired2. And the reason is simple: Lewis oversaw some of the worst decisions on wall street including billions in bonuses for top executives, huge layoffs for employees, and a $35 million salary for Ken Lewis himself - despite having run his company into the ground3.

President Obama's team was on television this weekend talking about how to use the money we've invested in failing banks to build a new foundation for our economy. But that action could take years. We need to send a clear message of change right to the banks' governing boards4.

If we can convince Bank of America to fire Lewis and change it's ways, it will send a powerful message to the rest of Wall Street that with taxpayer bailouts comes accountability.

Sign the petition to fire Bank of America's CEO and set a new direction for Wall Street.


Matt Holland
Online Director
TrueMajority / USAction

To the TrueMajority Socialists Who Don't Want to Hear My Response:

Uhh...What part of the Communist Manifesto did you get all of this from?

FIRST, the "crisis" was caused by laws and regulations stemming from the Carter Administration and your socialistic "everyone should own a home, whether they can afford it or not" plans which were perpetuated by all of the Presidents and Congresses since then (and made worse under Clinton).

SECOND, the crisis is thanks more to the crap-ass job the Federal Reserve has done in "stabilizing" our economy than to any bank or CEO's actions.

So, here's my solution: FIRE EVERYONE IN WASHINGTON DC, ABOLISH THE FEDERAL RESERVE, and get rid of all this b.s. that's really caused all this "crisis."

Yes, that includes your Messiah, the Obamagod.

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