Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Congress needs to hear from you on health care

Dear MoveOn member,

Are you a medical professional, or involved in a small business? If so, your voice is needed in the health care debate right away.

Right now, the heart of Obama's plan is under attack from big insurance companies and conservative lobbyists1,2.

But the few insiders getting rich off of the current system don't speak for all Americans, so we're putting together two special open letters—one from medical professionals and one from small businesspeople—on the importance of passing real reform, including a strong public health insurance option.

If you're a medical professional or involved in a small business, we need your voice today.

My MoveOn response to MoveOn that they don't want to hear:

I am a small business owner and my wife is in the medical field. Guess what? Neither of us like Obamacare. So we're calling our Congresscritters and writing letters and filling out petitions (not yours) to tell Congress NOT TO SUPPORT OBAMA'S SOCIALIZED MEDICINE PLAN.

You can call it whatever you want, but that's what it is. So we don't support it.

Go find someone else to support your socialism. Better yet, if you love socialistic medicine, move to frikkin Canada and get it and leave me alone. I don't want to pay for your Commie dreams.

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