Monday, July 20, 2009

Serious as a heart attack about ending the F-22

Dear Aaron,

These Reps took $1.3 million in campaign cash then voted for the F-22!

John Murtha
Call them out by putting this tough new ad on the air.

President Obama and Defense Secretary Gates "are as serious as a heart attack" about ending the F-22.1 But some members of Congress have pledged to keep buying this needless warplane no matter who opposes it or how much it costs.2

So as Congress continues to defy the President, Secretary of Defense and common sense, you might be asking yourself: "why do we keep building these planes?"

Our new report has the answer - the same members of Congress responsible for buying the F-22 and other military hardware took over $1.3 million in campaign donations from the weapons builders last year.3

We need to get the truth out FAST about the web of connections between Congress and the weapons builders - so we've created a tough new radio ad to target the Representatives most tempted to trade weapons contracts for campaign cash.

My TrueMajority answer to the fake TrueMajority that needs to change it's name to TrueObama Socialists instead:

I've already told you why the F-22 is a good idea and why we need it. Now, I think I'll point out something that should be blatantly obvious, but that you won't bother mentioning because it'll make you look bad:

Every Goddamned Congresscritter that voted for Cap and Trade about a week ago received TWICE the donations from groups interested in getting that passed as those who voted against. That amounts to a total of several hundred thousand dollars!

Now, with Obamacare, we can see who's been paid and who hasn't and it makes the payoffs for the military industrial complex look cheap!

Why don't you mention that, you hypocrites? Right, because you support the socialistic programs and could care less whether we're protected by a strong military or not.

So FU, TrueMasocialists!

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