Friday, August 21, 2009

The only place reform could die

Last week we leveled with you - Healthcare reform could be in trouble because a small group of conservative critics were attacking public forums (and civil discourse). Now, you've probably seen media reports that these hecklers are getting their way as President Obama and others back away from the public option.1

But the media is wrong, and so are the hecklers. The public option is alive and well with the support of a super-majority of Americans.2 Not only that, powerful members of the House have stepped up to defend the public option and to smack down the crazy critics who equate insurance reform with Socialism and death panels.3,4

My True Majority response to TrueMajority:

Small group? Small? You call rallies where the opposition to Obama's so-called reform double or triple the number of bussed-in, paid supporters "small?" Gee. I wasn't a genius in the classroom or anything, but I did learn vocabulary and math. The only place the opposition is "small" is in Obama's staged events where only his supporters are allowed in the room and on camera.

As for this "super-majority" of Americans... What does that mean? Where are they? How come they aren't outnumbering the "small" opposition?

Sorry, TrueMajority, but you're propaganda is too thick to even clear your own ranks here. It's blatantly a LIE.

Wake up. Nobody wants these phony reforms and insurance company drafted "changes."

Nobody wants your bullshit "public option" and we're not falling for your total lack of understanding of the word "reform."

Nothing gets REFORMED with these plans. It just gets BIGGER.

Where's the proposals to FIX the current problems first? Before we ad more to them, that is?

Ya, that's what I thought. That might require, like, brains and thinking and economic understanding. None of which you, Obama, or most of Congress has. You only understand power grabbing and government-enhancing.

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