Monday, August 3, 2009

The truth about healthcare reform

Dear Aaron,

There's been a lot of talk about healthcare this week. President Obama's touring the country,1 Republicans are spreading misinformation on the cable networks2 and Congressional leaders keep announcing major breakthroughs, but never holding a vote.3

With all the sound and fury, does ANYONE know what's really going on? We think one man might.

Dr. Howard Dean has been a physician, a governor, a presidential candidate and the head of the Democratic National Committee. If there is one guy in America who knows what's wrong with our healthcare system and can make sense of the current debate, it's him.

My TrueMajority answer to FakeMajority:

Umm... OK, you just said "truth" and Howard Dean in the same sentence. That's a pretty serious credibility #FAIL.

That's all I've got to say about that.

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