Saturday, March 21, 2009

Get the "Blue Dogs" on board

Not to be outdone, TrueMajority had something to say too:

Dear Aaron,

President Obama has proposed a terrific budget that invests in education, health care and job creation. But special interests are pulling out all the stops to squeeze Republicans and some conservative Democrats into opposing Obama's budget1.

So we've hit the airwaves calling on targeted members of Congress to do the right thing. Our ads are already on the air in key districts, can you help us keep the campaign going so we can pass the President's budget?

This is a big campaign - USAction / TrueMajority has built a coalition of 90 national groups pushing for this budget. We've used rolling billboards and traveling cookie shows to advocate for our priorities, but a television ad buy in multiple districts is a new level of committment for us. We're serious about this.

But we can't win unless these 'Blue Dog' Democrats and 'Moderate' Republicans get on board2. We saw during the stimulus debate how a handful of these folks can derail action. And it looks like conservatives are running the same play again - trying to convince just enough legislators to 'just say no' so they can halt all progress3.

Each of these ads costs $3,000 to $4,000. We put these out quickly, but to win this we need to keep up the pressure. Please pitch in so we can do more:

Chip in $40 now so we can keep up the pressure to pass a budget that invests in our priorities?


Drew Hudson
TrueMajority / USAction

And my response (which bounced, of course):

F*** the budget. We'd be better off if the government just went out of business. Tax someone else, you knobs.

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