Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Less than 4 days to back Obama's budget!

The latest from "TrueMajority" (aka "TrueMarxist"):

Dear Aaron

Help pass Obama's budget.

Last night President Obama went on national television to continue pitching his visionary budget . Obama made a powerful case that this budget must invest in what is "absolutely critical to our economic future" - jobs, education, and healthcare[1].

But this morning, key members of the budget-writing committees are talking about scaling back, and a coalition of conservative Democrats and Republicans are threatening to stop the bill altogether[2] .

We've got less than 4 days to convince Congress to back Obama's budget on the first try.

My response, which TrueMajority's email system bounces back as undeliverable since they aren't a majority of anything but socialists:

Oh no! Obama the Messiah won't get his multi-trillion dollar budget passed?! AIIEEEE!! We're all gonna die! No Hillarycare, no fake stimulus to pay off his Wall Street buddies, and no money for his special interest friends at ACORN and the like? Damn! We're in trouble if we don't force this behemoth through!

One thing we just gotta have is more deficit spending. Especially in trying economic times like these. Hey, the Great Depression was much shorter thanks to the massive deficits that FDR ran up, right? So we should do it again!!!!

Hurry! Hurry! Step right up to what the Congressional Budget Office says will only amount to financial doom thanks to 4% higher than GDP for the entire time frame out to 2019. Yep! Bust out the BIG NATIONAL CREDIT CARD, Obama's got a plan! Nevermind we've been making minimum payments on that baby for years. It's all good!

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