Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Obama Needs Our Help!

Dear MoveOn member,
Last month, after announcing a bold blueprint for change on energy, health care, and education, President Obama said, "I know these steps won't sit well with the special interests and lobbyists who are invested in the old way of doing business, and I know they're gearing up for a fight. My message to them is this: So am I."1

Now the fight is on: Yesterday, President Obama held a campaign-style event highlighting job-creating green businesses, while a top big-business lobbyist falsely called Obama's energy plans "devastating to the economy." Tomorrow morning Obama is going to Capitol Hill to try to persuade Senate Democrats to stand strong in the face of industry opposition to his budget.

President Obama can't do this alone—he needs all of us to help. We're racing to expand our local organizing to counter the industry pressure. The campaign is volunteer-driven, but it takes money to make training videos, develop hard-hitting ads, and pay the community organizers who recruit and manage the volunteers.

And my response to this "we're all about democracy, but we don't want your emails" response was:

If by "special interest" you mean American taxpayers, their employers, and every economist who's not paid by you to say different, then yes, they're lobbying against this crap-ass bill of Obama's.

Hello! We don't need government to force us into "green" energy. We're doing it just fine our damn selves. Sorry if it didn't happen overnight and if you're precious EV1 got canceled, but that's not my problem. I'm already ponying up over 50% of my income to pay taxes for everything from publik skool to your alternative transportation (failures) schemes. FU if I'm gonna pay more!

Obama's budget is so full of pork, wasteful spending, and DEFICIT that it's a nightmare! How can I support that? Just because 0.10% will be "green?"

I don't think so. Make Al Gore and John Kerry pay for it. They've got the money. Leave my skinny wallet alone!

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