Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Breaking news on health care

Dear MoveOn member,

Amazing! After news broke of Blue Cross Blue Shield's new campaign to defeat Obama's health care plan, MoveOn members responded in a huge way. Together, we smashed our goal and raised $270,000 in just one day. (Thanks!)

But the HMOs and insurance giants are just getting started—and we know that their attacks are only going to get uglier and more deceiving. With crucial health care reform decisions being made as we speak, we can't afford to let opponents of bold health care reform go unanswered even once.

So we're setting a new goal: reach $350,000 in the next 24 hours. If we can hit this mark, we'll send a strong message to the entire industry that if they start trying to block Obama's key health care proposal to cover everyone, we'll be ready to fight back—hard.

If you have $25 to chip in, please click here:

Thanks for all you do.

–Patrick S., Laura, Eli, Marika and the rest of the team

My bounced-back response to MoveOn, since they are not interested in feedback, just money:

Well, this makes it pretty damn obvious to me what your real goals are. You don't care about "fixing" any real problems. Only about promoting a socialist agenda and getting people to send you money.

Mostly, it appears, it's getting people to send you money that matters to you.

Looks like the cat's out of the bag. If people like me, who work, produce, and make our own income to support ourselves were like you, nobody would have any money to do anything. Except, of course, government, which creates money out of thin air and hopes no one notices and stops accepting the money.

So how are all of your socialist dream world plans going to work if none of us have an income so that we can donate to your "cause" and make it happen?

What's the overall economic feasibility of socialism? Your brand of socialism, that is.

Exactly. It's not feasible. It just "feels good," and (right now) it makes you a lot of cash. $350,000 worth in the next couple of days, if you get your way. Makes me wonder if I should be in the "social reform" business like you. Seems more profitable.

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