Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ten Things About Judge Sonia Sotomayor

Dear MoveOn member,

Today, President Obama nominated Judge Sonia Sotomayor to be the next U.S. Supreme Court justice. Of course, the Right is already fighting against her confirmation—so we need to get the facts out about her impressive qualifications and background.

Below is a list of 10 key things about Sonia Sotomayor that you might not know. Can you check it out and send it to 10 friends today? If each of us forwards the list, we can start to get the word out about Judge Sotomayor, and help to ensure that she gets a speedy and fair confirmation process.

My MoveOn, you leftist hypocrits response:

I left out the rest of it, since it's just a listing of why the Judge is a good choice for the Supreme Court. No proof that she knows how to read and abide by the Constitution is given, of course, which is the entire job of the Supremes. To the people who agree with MoveOn's missives, the "Constitution" is the Bill of Rights minus the 2nd Amendment.

I just wanted to point out one thing to the jackasses at MoveOn:

The supposed attacks on Judge Sotomayor by the "Right" are already happening, as you say. You say it as if they were wrong and evil to be doing it. Hmm...

Don't you do EXACTLY THE SAME DAMN THING whenever the "Right" proposes anything?

Yes, you do.

Hypocrites. It's fine if YOU are the one doing it, since you're obviously "preserving freedom" or "saving us from the evil Right Wing" or whatever. But when THEY do it, it's an outrage!

The sooner people realize that there is no "Left" and there is no "Right" the better. The only thing there is to face is We the People versus They the Thieves in Washington.


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