Saturday, May 2, 2009

Unfit to judge

Dear MoveOn member,

Quick quiz: You're a powerful government lawyer who gives the legal go-ahead for a secret U.S. torture program.

Do you:
a) Lose your license to practice law
b) Go to jail
c) Win a lifetime appointment to one of the highest courts in the land

In the case of Jay Bybee, the answer is "c." Bybee, the lawyer responsible for many of the worst Bush-era torture memos, is currently serving on the prestigious 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, thanks to his old boss, George W. Bush.

That's just not right.

Jay Bybee showed no respect for our laws and isn't fit to be a federal judge. Can you sign our petition to Congress calling for the impeachment of Jay Bybee?

The petition says: "Jay Bybee, the man behind the torture memos, is unfit to be a federal judge. Congress should impeach him.

President Obama said last night that torture "corrodes the character of a country." He's right. Jay Bybee, who violated the law by coming up with a "legal" rationale for waterboarding and other acts of torture, isn't qualified to hold a position charged with upholding our Constitution.

The outcry for his impeachment is growing; leading progressive in Congress are demanding answers,1 and 20,000 Americans have called for Bybee's impeachment.2 As The New York Times said: "Mr. Bybee is unfit for a job that requires legal judgment and a respect for the Constitution. Congress should impeach him."3

The calls to impeach Bybee are getting noticed—but Congress hasn't acted yet, and might not, unless we ramp up the call for accountability. There's a real chance Bybee will be held accountable, but only if we show Congress that if they lead, we'll support them.

Can you sign the petition today?

Thanks for all that you do.

–Nita, Kat, Peter, Ilyse, Justin and the rest of the team

My "We don't want to hear from the TrueMajority, so we reject incoming emails" response to TrueMajority:

I don't know how to break this to you, but for once, I kind of agree with you. He's unfit to judge.

Of course, so are 90% of the judges on the docket: from the federal to the local level. This is why I vote "NO" in all elections when it comes to picking a judge. Screw them and their "job for life" b.s.

I say we put 10-12 year term limits on all judges and automatically disbar them once their term is up so they can't go on practicing as a lawyer afterwards, taking advantage of their inside connections.

In fact, maybe we should institute this for all government offices. You volunteer to get elected and/or get a government job. Great. We'll pay you well, take care of your family, etc. In return? After 12 years, you lose your job and are immediately given the death penalty.

This would definitely discourage politicians-for-life as well as the rampant cronyism and insider dealing that goes on in government. Plus, it will help with population control. Win-win-win!

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